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What is your favourite setting?

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I like modern crime drama, or heavy legal drama that usually involves a certain amount of crime.


I can't quite put my finger on it.


Like I wish Quentin Tarantino would return back to modern day criminals, who are complete sociopaths, and they show a world that is completely bleak.


I was watching The Way of the Gun last night, and that is the perfect example. Another perfect example would be Heat.


Movies like Assault on Precinct 13, Den of Thieves..........those are not what I'm talking about. (Although Den of Thieves was quite decent).


So my perfect example of heavy legal drama would be Michael Clayton.


I just love what is happening in that movie, George Clooney is so badass, but at the same time, he's not cool. There's something very un-glamorous about where character is at in life.


Margin Call. For a movie that is nothing but scenes of people talking in conference rooms, Margin Call is a movie that makes you say "holy shit" quite a few times.

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I think most sheep and cows like playing as Asian schoolgirls.. I'm assuming these Asian little girls in dresses who act dainty and shit, live in some Asian land.  So for sheep and cows?  I'd says their favorite setting is somewhere in Asia doing some type of martial art and speaking some foreign language.


For Lemmings though, just give us cars and guns and something in English - manly stuff and we are happy.


Does this answer your question or clear things up regarding the demographics that visit this forum?

Edited by Spicalicious
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