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VR hardware sales reaches $2.1 Billion citing Oculus Quest boost, Valve's Index headset backordered to Feb 2020 after HL: Alyx announcement

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It seems the convenience, capabilities, and price ($399) of the Quest are a winning combination for would-be VR adopters to make the leap. To wit, Nielsen's SuperData Research says VR hardware revenue is on pace to hit $2.1 billion by the end of the year, up 31 percent from $1.6 billion in 2018, thanks in large part to the Quest.


Clumping all three categories together, the 'XR' market as a whole is on track to hit $8.5 billion in 2020, SuperData Research says. That perhaps suggests that no single variant will outright win the market. More importantly, however, it means developers should have incentive to continue building more VR, AR, and MR experiences, which could have a snowball effect on hardware adoption.


Quest is selling huge numbers, and now it's basically an Oculus Rift S if you connect it to your PC.. so that's going to help adoption even more so.  Rift S and Vive sets are also selling out around various online retailers with help from Half Life: Alyx being announced.


Valve's Index headset is selling like crazy and has been on the top of the Steam charts in US and Canada since HL:A was announced.  This is a $1000 headset.. $1300 in Canada.. backordered until Feb2020 with honestly no signs of slowing down.








That's absolutely insane, and just goes to show you that as the barrier to entry is lowered (Quest) and compelling games are announced (HL:A) people are interested in VR.  When the PSVR2 comes, that should only help things further.  Especially if Sony start releasing VR games on PC and/or allow the headset to connect to PC.

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Can't for PSVR2.0.


Medal of Honor, Asgard's Wrath and Half Life as launch titles. All the good PC games that's can't be done on PSVR right now basically.


Throw in an Astro Bot sequel or something and we would have a sick launch line-up.

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