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I've decided to try and use a little "Google" as I can

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Using the opera browser on my phone, it's very good. Using duckduckgo as my default search engine, deleted Google wallet, going back to cash and credit cards. Fuck Google, they control way too much :facep:

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DuckDuckGo (DDG) is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results.[4] DuckDuckGo distinguishes itself from other search engines by not profiling its users and by showing all users the same search results for a given search term.[6] It emphasizes returning the best results, rather than the most results, generating those results from over 400 individual sources, including crowdsourced sites such as Wikipedia, and other search engines like Bing, Yahoo!, and Yandex.[7][8] As of November 2019, it had 48,709,105 daily searches on average.[9]


I really like this

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Several things I find terrible about Google today is their Search engine tends to never give specific searched information and results are often full of advertising or meta paid sites that are tied to news or current trends. Requiring me to have to add search modify tags to get specific information.   


This was not a problem a decade ago.   

Google's images is completely censored now, and completely restricted from image stealing.    I tend to use Yandex if I want real image search.  


Google even weakened Youtube search results to only find things Google wants to promote, often times videos I am directly keying are buried. 


So far the Google Chrome browser for the time being is still an okay browser to use, except on Mac. As long as a I can continue to use my uBlock origin and Tampermonkey plugins in Chrome.  I'd still recommend the browser.  Alternatively I'd only recommend Firefox.  



Edited by The Mother Fucker
I realize I wrote more than one thing. So changed "Only thing" to Several things. :)
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20 minutes ago, Alphonse said:

I've been using duckduckgo for a year now and let me tell you that it really doesn't compare to Google. I can find shit much faster with google. 

yeah you can.. but also those algorithms that keep you in your bubble are somewhat disturbing

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