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Jim Sterling's top 5 games of the year

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Yeah, that list is not that solid simply because of The Outer Worlds.


This leads me to believe that he selects his best games based on gamer hipsterism being a major factor. For example, Jedi Fallen Order is probably a better all-around game than The Outer Worlds, but he would never include it since its an EA game using the Star Wars license.

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yeah not gonna listen to what the personification of resetera has to say. take all their shitty opinions and lame ass threads and stick them together and this guy is your megazord. 

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9 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Yeah, that list is not that solid simply because of The Outer Worlds.


This leads me to believe that he selects his best games based on gamer hipsterism being a major factor. For example, Jedi Fallen Order is probably a better all-around game than The Outer Worlds, but he would never include it since its an EA game using the Star Wars license.

Did you play star wars ? 

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RE2 - Sure.

Dysco Elisium, Plague's Tale - never played and never will so whatever.

Bloodstained - LMAO, credibility out of the window. There are far better indie games this year alone. Unimpressive game.

The Outer Worlds - Yeah, it's in my top 5 too.

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