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Kaz triggered AF!!!     FFT is the best PS1 RPG IMO. 

Waiting for the final game and skipping reviews. But cool non the less.

Oh, thought this was about Warhammer 2.    

13 hours ago, roflpwnedz said:





is all this stuff really "leaked"?

okay. I watched more than before. i love staggering reular enemies. I wonder at what point cloud learns more (animated) strikes, or if its context sensitive? hope you don't pull the same weak 3-4 hit combo most game.  


Loving the streamless cutscenees. sex ses scmex and mad fanservice to those who know what scenes are being portrayed that way.


graphics look like a very very polished current gen game. that scene where there's 4-5 characters trying to get under the cage elevator (little bit of chipping), then polygon models are high. very pretty. I'm not wholly floored, but I think with ART, this game can floor me. I wanna see what an open nature-like canopy or forest looks like. 


Game looks doope. I don't understand how it's just disc 1 lol.  I've seen too much! Will play this on a Japanese PS5!!

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On 2019-12-31 at 10:34 PM, DynamiteCop! said:

Final Fantasy VII was never good 

It was alright for it's time. Definitely better JRPGs but they didn't have the insane presentation that FF VII had so they were overlooked. FF VII was the game that proved you can be a mega-hit with the 'all style and no substance' approach.

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8 minutes ago, Sabo said:

It was alright for it's time. Definitely better JRPGs but they didn't have the insane presentation that FF VII had so they were overlooked. FF VII was the game that proved you can be a mega-hit with the 'all style and no substance' approach.

"no substance" :roll: 

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6 minutes ago, Sabo said:

What amazing gameplay feature did FF VII add?

Why does it need to add a specific amazing feature?  Being able to explore environments which weren't flat was an exciting change.  The game improved on an already great battle system, the magic system was interesting, it has a great story, and a great cast of characters.  It just so happened to wrap it all together in the best looking presentation an RPG had ever seen for the time.


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19 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Why does it need to add a specific amazing feature?  Being able to explore environments which weren't flat was an exciting change.  The game improved on an already great battle system, the magic system was interesting, it has a great story, and a great cast of characters.  It just so happened to wrap it all together in the best looking presentation an RPG had ever seen for the time.


Because sequels should improve upon and refine. Duh.


FF VII did none of this. FF VII combat wasn't an improvement, it was a regression. Materia system had potential but it was poorly planned out and ultimately unnecessary. Limit Breaks are the perfect example for all flash and no substance. The story is considered by many to be convoluted.


The only thing you said that I agree with is the presentation was good and that's because that is the main thing they focused on.

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7 minutes ago, Sabo said:

Because sequels should improve upon and refine. Duh.


FF VII did none of this. FF VII combat wasn't an improvement, it was a regression. Materia system had potential but it was poorly planned out and ultimately unnecessary. Limit Breaks are the perfect example for all flash and no substance. The story is considered by many to be convoluted.


The only thing you said that I agree with is the presentation was good and that's because that is the main thing they focused on.

FF7 did improve and refine. :roll:  


Acting like you were some connoisseur of RPG excellence when you were 12-13 years old... :mj:  


FF7's combat was not a regression.  I'm going to laugh my ass off if you try to play off "going from 4 characters to 3" as a regression..  The Materia system was great. You think it was poorly planned out and unnecessary?  Is that really what 13 year old you thought?  Being able to combine different materia together to work in different ways and having to decide between weapons with different amounts of slots and stats was great.  lol.. Limit breaks are all flash?  Duh.. they're special attacks, they are meant to be flashy.  Are you ragging on every game that has special attacks the same way?


Not saying you cant criticize the game.. and I'm not even saying that there weren't other RPGs which did certain things better... but FF7 definitely was extremely solid in all aspects..and it was undeniably the best looking RPG for the time.  Looking back on games you can find flaws in everything... but it doesn't change what those games were for the time.  And not a single person would say that FF7 had no substance.

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God, your arguments are childish...


It's a regression because the combat was simplified compared to it's predecessors. FF V had Jobs. FF VI took that a step further and locked characters to a Job but gave them each unique gameplay mechanics. FF VII had none of this character individuality. They were all basically the same character with Limit Breaks being their only defining gameplay feature. FF VII was very much a "Pick 3 and bench the rest" game because characters don't have anything to offer from a gameplay perspective. This lack of character of character individuality limits tactics and strategy greatly and makes combat even more repetitive.


Yes. The Materia system does offer those things but you don't get full access to the interesting stuff until you're HALFWAY through Disc 2. At that point it's far too late because most players have already gotten use to playing with basic combinations. Add in the difficulty of the game is very low to begin with so there really is no need to even experiment with the system. The Materia system had potential but it got nowhere close to achieving it because of poor execution.

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lol sabo, that's your opinion, I get it, but you are really exaggerating. 


The materia system in FF7 is as complex as it needed be. They just went from the fixed character tropes to a more open character building approach. I wouldn't call it "poorly planned out" and "ultimately unnecessary".


Also the materia system just makes sense because it's a major point of the story, it's like you forgot that or something. And it suits the overall theme and atmosphere.


FF7 is an absolute masterpiece, in all aspects. And I like all FF titles. And Lost Odyssey is one of the worst JRPGs I've ever played. The combat puts me to sleep and the story is just rubbish.



I prefer specific character roles as well, I think it makes for more interesting characters, but I don't dislike a more open approach with materia or sphere thingy from X etc etc





One thing I always decided early into the game was who gets the "all" materia, like do i save it for healing or do i use spells with it? That choice is kinda pointless because you can just breeze through right?


I don't think so. 

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This isn't even a new criticism, I've been hearing it since 15 years ago.


FF7 wasn't even the best JRPG from Square during the PS1 era.


All the nostalgia...............ALL OF IT............stems from its production values. That is the only thing FF7 is noteworthy for. That and a memorable story moment in the game.

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Just now, jehurey said:

This isn't even a new criticism, I've been hearing it since 15 years ago.


FF7 wasn't even the best JRPG from Square during the PS1 era.


All the nostalgia...............ALL OF IT............stems from its production values. That is the only thing FF7 is noteworthy for. That and a memorable story moment in the game.

You’re right, it wasn’t. It was Xenogears, Vagrant story or final fantasy tactics.

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7 hours ago, kaz said:

lol sabo, that's your opinion, I get it, but you are really exaggerating. 


The materia system in FF7 is as complex as it needed be. They just went from the fixed character tropes to a more open character building approach. I wouldn't call it "poorly planned out" and "ultimately unnecessary".


Also the materia system just makes sense because it's a major point of the story, it's like you forgot that or something. And it suits the overall theme and atmosphere.


FF7 is an absolute masterpiece, in all aspects. And I like all FF titles. And Lost Odyssey is one of the worst JRPGs I've ever played. The combat puts me to sleep and the story is just rubbish.



I prefer specific character roles as well, I think it makes for more interesting characters, but I don't dislike a more open approach with materia or sphere thingy from X etc etc





One thing I always decided early into the game was who gets the "all" materia, like do i save it for healing or do i use spells with it? That choice is kinda pointless because you can just breeze through right?


I don't think so. 

It was poorly planned out in the sense that you don't really get to experiment with more complex combinations until much later in the game. The game should've gave you access to this stuff much sooner. Add in the most useful materia can only be gained once which means if you want more you have to grind a lot just to gain another (master it to spawn a new one). There should've just been more of them to be found or even sold at shops. Instead materia shops are mostly useless because they rarely sell materia you don't already have and they only sell the basic types of materia (Independent and Magic) and never the useful types that are needed for materia combinations (Command and Support). Independent can't be used in materia combinations, hence why it's called Independent, and Magic needs Support materia in order to be used in materia combos. How is this NOT poorly planned out?


Literally have no idea what point you're trying to make with materia's significance to the game world because that has nothing to do with gameplay. You're trying to reach for something though but it's pointless to the topic I'm discussing.


Characters in FFX had roles so I have no idea why you're trying to compare it to FF VII.. Tidus was a Fighter/Time Mage who hard countered agile enemies. Wakka was a Status Effect specialist who hard countered flying enemies. Auron was a Stat Debuffer who hard countered armor enemies. Kimahri was a Blue Mage, Yuna a White Mage/Summoner, Lulu a Black Mage, Rikku a Thief/Alchemist... You CAN alter characters roles but you can't do that until end game so characters each have a purpose for the team. None are useless.


Are you seriously overstating the importance of who gets the All materia and what to combo it with?




Who is the one exaggerating now?


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7 hours ago, jehurey said:

This isn't even a new criticism, I've been hearing it since 15 years ago.


FF7 wasn't even the best JRPG from Square during the PS1 era.


All the nostalgia...............ALL OF IT............stems from its production values. That is the only thing FF7 is noteworthy for. That and a memorable story moment in the game.

look here, someone who never played the game. 



2 hours ago, Sabo said:

It was poorly planned out in the sense that you don't really get to experiment with more complex combinations until much later in the game. The game should've gave you access to this stuff much sooner. Add in the most useful materia can only be gained once which means if you want more you have to grind a lot just to gain another (master it to spawn a new one). There should've just been more of them to be found or even sold at shops. Instead materia shops are mostly useless because they rarely sell materia you don't already have and they only sell the basic types of materia (Independent and Magic) and never the useful types that are needed for materia combinations (Command and Support). Independent can't be used in materia combinations, hence why it's called Independent, and Magic needs Support materia in order to be used in materia combos. How is this NOT poorly planned out?


Literally have no idea what point you're trying to make with materia's significance to the game world because that has nothing to do with gameplay. You're trying to reach for something though but it's pointless to the topic I'm discussing.


Characters in FFX had roles so I have no idea why you're trying to compare it to FF VII.. Tidus was a Fighter/Time Mage who hard countered agile enemies. Wakka was a Status Effect specialist who hard countered flying enemies. Auron was a Stat Debuffer who hard countered armor enemies. Kimahri was a Blue Mage, Yuna a White Mage/Summoner, Lulu a Black Mage, Rikku a Thief/Alchemist... You CAN alter characters roles but you can't do that until end game so characters each have a purpose for the team. None are useless.


Are you seriously overstating the importance of who gets the All materia and what to combo it with?




Who is the one exaggerating now?


and i think that goes for you as well. To me it sounds like you trying to hate the game because it's the mainstream FF. The most successful, the one that gets a remake first. and countless other things, side games, movies, shows.


It wasn't poorly planned out at all, the balance in this game is perfect. progressing in the story getting more and more materia and gear with slots. I think it was always exciting to get another slot to add more materia and even more so if you could combine them. Except for changing materia when you have to play certain characters in the beginning, that was always a hassle. 


i don't know why you mention the vendors that sell materia, but ok, they are not useless at all. basic spells can be used to max damage against certain enemies and you could buy HP/MP materia at some places for example. Buying materia is not necessary but far from useless. 

I said materia is important to the story because the whole story literally revolves around materia, and hey, to me its pretty clear you hate that system just for the sake of it. You said the game should've gave you access to more complex combinations sooner? Yet it does so we every little bit of progression. The endgame is totally different from the early game, and the one thing I would agree with you is that you have to spend some time to get all your characters ready and equipped to do the optional content (if that is what you even meant) because it is at this point where materia management makes a big difference. You can't fight anyone without it.


Don't know why you are trying to explain different types of materia because the game gives you all you need throughout your journey? If you were bored equipping a materia like "cover" when you get it at aerith house or idk lets say "counter attack", i find these materia extremely helpful and game impacting. Enemy skill materia is also a new addition. Not to mention the gimmicky tactics some materia combinations provide. 





I have no clue why you are saying FFX had roles, because they have not. If you choose the expert sphere grid you can build your character however you want. That is what I was referring to, not the standard one where the character progression is on rails, yuna whm/sum, lulu blm etc. But I think that was only in the pal version? and you all got the baby version :scust: 

If you hate to build your own character, well that's you and not the games fault. 



The all materia, I think you misread it entirely. The first "all" support materia you get, you think it's pointless right? that is what I was trying to point out. Of course it isn't.

You can decide how to use it and that's what makes the materia system different from the previous ff titles that far.



If you don't like it, okay but I find your criticism about the game very misleading. It sounds to me like you never played the game from start to finish, or even did the optional content. 


im drunk and done. I like most ff titles except ff12 and 11. they suck. But I have never had a problem with difficulty in any game and even 6 sometimes bored me to death with tehm characters "special" attacks or unique attacks or whatever you called them earlier, sorry, i dont want to look up or put words in your mouth, but itwas something like that. I just spammed the crossbow with edgar in 6. The highlight was shadow joining and leaving, kefka is a shallow villain and the only fun part was him poising water. 



I can go on, ff7 isn't the only game with flaws, but it's far from "all style and no substance", if you don't realize that, I am sorry for you. If you hate the game, so be it, but I love it and I will say this, it is better than your favourite game, whatever that might be.







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Only thing you said that had any value is that you're drunk. Come back when you're sober and actually make sure you're understanding the point I'm making. You literally said nothing that challenged anything I said and jumped to a lot of false assumptions...

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