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if the fires don't, the kangaroos will?  I hope he's okay too. I am betting he is. Isn't he an xbox gamer? that thing repels fire. fire sales. fire games. fire inertia towards rekindling a market base. forest fires. dude's protection is an igloo's vodoo worth of condoms. he'll be aillrite. 

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47 minutes ago, kokujin said:

if the fires don't, the kangaroos will?  I hope he's okay too. I am betting he is. Isn't he an xbox gamer? that thing repels fire. fire sales. fire games. fire inertia towards rekindling a market base. forest fires. dude's protection is an igloo's vodoo worth of condoms. he'll be aillrite. 

No he's a cow with hidden sheep tendencies 

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500 million animals have died, so far?


That number truly is staggering, and its heartbreaking because it makes you realize that almost all mammals except for humansare completely dependent on the environment and cannot alter it the way humans can.


This is not normal.  And throwing your arms up and saying "aw well, what'ya gonna do?" simply is not an acceptable attitude anymore.


There was a news report in our local Dallas news yesterday that many people currently have "Cedar Fever" in the area because we are getting cedar pollen around this time of year that will fuck up your throat and cause inflammation.


They shows video of thousands of cedar trees looking like there's smoke coming out of them. In fact, its cedar pollen being shaken off by the wind.




And since we are having "an unusually warm" winter here in Texas (over half of December, the temp was over 65 degrees) the wind is blowing up from the South, instead of normally blowing down from the North. So, we are getting this pollen blown up into our area, and since there's no rain, its going to get pretty bad here.


If we understand this concept when it comes to pollen. We can literally see with our eyes that this shit will be spreading over hundreds of thousands of square miles throughout Texas.


Why can't we understand the concept of carbon gases from all over the world spreading everywhere and clearly causing a greenhouse effect?

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3 hours ago, jehurey said:

500 million animals have died, so far?


That number truly is staggering, and its heartbreaking because it makes you realize that almost all mammals except for humansare completely dependent on the environment and cannot alter it the way humans can.


This is not normal.  And throwing your arms up and saying "aw well, what'ya gonna do?" simply is not an acceptable attitude anymore.


There was a news report in our local Dallas news yesterday that many people currently have "Cedar Fever" in the area because we are getting cedar pollen around this time of year that will fuck up your throat and cause inflammation.


They shows video of thousands of cedar trees looking like there's smoke coming out of them. In fact, its cedar pollen being shaken off by the wind.




And since we are having "an unusually warm" winter here in Texas (over half of December, the temp was over 65 degrees) the wind is blowing up from the South, instead of normally blowing down from the North. So, we are getting this pollen blown up into our area, and since there's no rain, its going to get pretty bad here.


If we understand this concept when it comes to pollen. We can literally see with our eyes that this shit will be spreading over hundreds of thousands of square miles throughout Texas.


Why can't we understand the concept of carbon gases from all over the world spreading everywhere and clearly causing a greenhouse effect?

I agree the planet is warming but you can't really use local anecdotes as examples. It's going to be far below normal temps here in the next few days. 


The planet on average is warming, moreso at the poles. Don't worry guys, soon as those icecaps have sent enough frigid water into the major currents it will trigger the next iceage. It will be fun. Then we can say it's man made cooling.  

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51 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

I agree the planet is warming but you can't really use local anecdotes as examples. It's going to be far below normal temps here in the next few days. 


The planet on average is warming, moreso at the poles. Don't worry guys, soon as those icecaps have sent enough frigid water into the major currents it will trigger the next iceage. It will be fun. Then we can say it's man made cooling.  

An event that is as big as the size of Texas = local anecdote.


So you still try to stick with right-wing talking points.


The Earth will correct itself...........I don't think you understand........the Earth will correct itself in  way that is un-cooperative with Human intentions of survival. And you apparently won't acknowledge that only until the shit has gone beyond hitting the fan?

Edited by jehurey
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Still alive! House still untouched too. Thankfully live in the suburbs not any bush areas, but the major fires are 1-2 hours away. Been a crazy crazy summer. The other day were I live was the hottest place on the planet. Reached over 49C (120F) and today we are blanketed in smoke again so yay for that....



We had a bunch of rain overnight so hopefully some of that fell on effected areas but another scorching hot day coming up later this week.


But yeah been a little busy hence my reduced activity here. 

1 hour ago, lil spico XseX said:

Doesn’t he live on the island of Malta which is nowhere near Australia. 

I'm Maltese (born in Malta) but live in Aus.

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It's devastating what's happening there.  Especially for the animals.  Is it true that the sentiment there is that the government could be doing more but haven't been... for reasons?


It's so sad to see. :(  Glad you're alright and haven't been affected (yet).  Hope Void's doing alright too.

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

It's devastating what's happening there.  Especially for the animals.  Is it true that the sentiment there is that the government could be doing more but haven't been... for reasons?


It's so sad to see. :(  Glad you're alright and haven't been affected (yet).  Hope Void's doing alright too.

Well during such crisis there is also a lot of anger and blame directed at ppl. A lot of people putting a lot of blame in the governments anti climate change views for numerous years (although honestly, aus is so insignificant when it comes to global emissions that we could reduce ours to zero and it would have zero effect) but a lot of the hate directed atm to our Prime MInister is because he really has been a shitty 'leader' during this entire crisis. Did next to nothing early on, went on holiday, came back after public pressure cause they escalated massively, then went out to do some tv spots and legit forcibly shook ppl's hands that didn't want and only just the other week has now introduced certain legislation and help that was needed weeks ago, even though it was available. So yeah a lot of the hate is warranted although realistically there isn't too much that can be done. We have had a drought for numerous years now and our bushlands were dry af and just waiting to explode, couple that with the weather and heat and it's a recipe for disaster. Not to mention many of these fires lit by arsonists also. 

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11 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Over 2500 buildings destroyed so far (1900 of those are homes)

27 dead

21m acres burned.

Over half a billion animals killed


This is a fire map of my state:


Sydney surrounded by multiple fires. Pretty much all the area in black is ash. 



Some crazy footage:






That is literally hell. Absolutely fucking insane.

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20 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:


She's simply settled for: doing more than you will ever do.


Where you getting your material? Jesse Watters' twitter page?

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4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

She's simply settled for: doing more than you will ever do.


Where you getting your material? Jesse Watters' twitter page?

Well my name is Jesse 

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