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Wow those videos are crazy. 27 people dad is sad but from the looks of it that is amazing its only that number. Poor animals. 500 million animals, just burned to death. What a suck way to go.

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8 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Well during such crisis there is also a lot of anger and blame directed at ppl. A lot of people putting a lot of blame in the governments anti climate change views for numerous years (although honestly, aus is so insignificant when it comes to global emissions that we could reduce ours to zero and it would have zero effect) but a lot of the hate directed atm to our Prime MInister is because he really has been a shitty 'leader' during this entire crisis. Did next to nothing early on, went on holiday, came back after public pressure cause they escalated massively, then went out to do some tv spots and legit forcibly shook ppl's hands that didn't want and only just the other week has now introduced certain legislation and help that was needed weeks ago, even though it was available. So yeah a lot of the hate is warranted although realistically there isn't too much that can be done. We have had a drought for numerous years now and our bushlands were dry af and just waiting to explode, couple that with the weather and heat and it's a recipe for disaster. Not to mention many of these fires lit by arsonists also. 

Damn man, that's rough.  I had heard about what you said about him doing TV spots and shaking people's hands who very clearly didn't want to.. as well as declining help that was offered before.  In those kinds of conditions you speak, literally anything can start a fire.  I had just heard about that today that there were over 180 people being charged with regards to the fires.  Man.. it's just insane.  


I hope you guys and your friends/fams stay safe and things get under control soon.

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8 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Wow those videos are crazy. 27 people dad is sad but from the looks of it that is amazing its only that number. Poor animals. 500 million animals, just burned to death. What a suck way to go.

There's this photo of a little kangaroo stuck in wired fence just burnt to a crisp which is heartbreaking :( 

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2 hours ago, Cookester15 said:

I agree the planet is warming but you can't really use local anecdotes as examples. It's going to be far below normal temps here in the next few days. 


The planet on average is warming, moreso at the poles. Don't worry guys, soon as those icecaps have sent enough frigid water into the major currents it will trigger the next iceage. It will be fun. Then we can say it's man made cooling.  

You can't be this dumb :mindblown:



Climate change.... say it slowly.... Climate change.    

Edited by Goukosan
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27 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

You can't be this dumb :mindblown:



Climate change.... say it slowly.... Climate change.    

Umm where did I deny it? 

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58 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

You can't be this dumb :mindblown:



Climate change.... say it slowly.... Climate change.    

Its almost like an episode of South Park where you know damn well what Cartman is doing, but he tries to play dumb and dances around a denial.

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28 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Its almost like an episode of South Park where you know damn well what Cartman is doing, but he tries to play dumb and dances around a denial.

What I said was pretty fucking specific. An anecdotal like yours cannot be used as an example of climate change. Because it could also be used by the denier saying "see how cold it is here? Record low temp!"


By the way, this is China's fault. 

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3 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

What I said was pretty fucking specific. An anecdotal like yours cannot be used as an example of climate change. Because it could also be used by the denier saying "see how cold it is here? Record low temp!"


By the way, this is China's fault. 

I'll repeat it again:


THe size of texas = small and anecdotal.


Keep trying.

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

I'll repeat it again:


THe size of texas = small and anecdotal.


Keep trying.



We need China to do something, they pollute more than US, India, Japan, Canada, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Iran, South Korea, Indonesia, and Mexico combined. 


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1 minute ago, Cookester15 said:



We need China to do something, they pollute more than US, India, Japan, Canada, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Iran, South Korea, Indonesia, and Mexico combined. 


Move onto another subject after you don't want to go into detail about the very thing you tried to downplay?


Now you're next excuse is "well............I'll wait for other countries to get off their ass first, before I get off my ass."


Which is, of course, another right-wing talking point.

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7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Move onto another subject after you don't want to go into detail about the very thing you tried to downplay?


Now you're next excuse is "well............I'll wait for other countries to get off their ass first, before I get off my ass."


Which is, of course, another right-wing talking point.

There's no point arguing with you, that's why. 


Can we talk about the elephant in the room or no? 

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4 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

There's no point arguing with you, that's why. 


Can we talk about the elephant in the room or no? 

What do we have to do now that its ESTABLISHED and AGREED UPON that this is happening because of man-made climate change?




But we're not here to DEBATE climate change.........because there is no debate. That book has already been written to completion. That shouldn't be the "elephant in the room" because its a settled concept.

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Just now, jehurey said:

What do we have to do now that its ESTABLISHED and AGREED UPON that this is happening because of man-made climate change?




But we're not here to DEBATE climate change.........because there is no debate. That book has already been written to completion. That shouldn't be the "elephant in the room" because its a settled concept.

This is in no way a response to what I said or have been saying. 


This is over.. Bye . 

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500 million animals. kangarees burning to a crisp. We humans are going to feel existential sad forever. I think we're just paying the price. I bite and clench my hists and I see we are now still at year 1200, just barely paying for death collusiums for the shits and giigles and wealth gap doomery and medeivl slavery. We got hundreds of years to go before a human wakes up happy.  Also add 50 years of sadness for what girls/women do to the dating game. 

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On 2020-01-08 at 1:12 AM, Ike said:

I remember the smoke pollution we had up here in the PNW a few years back. I can’t imagine what it’s like there. I’m so sorry. :( 


lmao sorry what. that looks like a clear sky, okay there are some clouds

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