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Shenmue 4 might be happening

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lol and nobody gives a shit. I'm glad people realize what absolute trash these games are after shemu 3's disaster

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of course its going to happen, the real question is whether or not people will be hyped or have any enthusiasm for it. I can safely say that i wont have a shred of interest in it considering how 3 turned out.

Edited by Twinblade
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I just get the feeling that they purposefully padded Shenmue 3 with useless drawn out shit barely moving the story forward, just so they could do this again.


I'm with Twinblade, I say fuck'em.  Take your game (which you should have treated as the last game you'd ever get the chance to make) and shove it.

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2 hours ago, kokujin said:

they pooled you.

it's your secret game of the year :mj:  dont play dumb on us, you like these dumbed down asian games for the sake of it. 

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2 hours ago, -GD- said:

Sake is good, though rec

lol you play.


don't call it saki call it sakay 


anywho, Kaz, no, I even don't like Yakuza. I've played it like 4-5 sittings now.  I try to get further. I dont' like dumbed down games in general. DQ11 is about as down syndrome as I get.  DQ11 is like a down syndrome kid with rich parents that dress him well and pay for his private institution well into half of his post-grad years, you start to think "wait, is this retard, really gifted and smart?"    But theng he talks & tries to put a triangle in an oval. 

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