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Sony skipping E3 again CONFIRMED

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Nintendo is still there.


Honest question.. outside of E3.. what does Nintendo do to get people hands-on time with their upcoming games?  Maybe I'm drawing a blank.. but I can't really remember any other events that they really go hard on.


If E3 dies.. Nintendo will have to start doing their own events too.

There's plenty of other events to make up for the loss of E3... or maybe they can have a limited time digital event where consumers can play demos from the store. Who knows. :shrug: 

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Huge mistake to miss E3 when your new console is launching this year imo

Agreed.   We needed one last "Next gen PS vs Xbox" E3 console battle

I don’t get why they want to risk doing something that can backfire badly in a console launch year. If they really have to skip e3, mid gen would be the best time to shift away from it imo.

6 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

There's plenty of other events to make up for the loss of E3... or maybe they can have a limited time digital event where consumers can play demos from the store. Who knows. :shrug: 

That would be awesome... but still.. missing out presence at bigger events would be disappointing for fans.

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Just now, Remij_ said:

That would be awesome... but still.. missing out presence at bigger events would be disappointing for fans.

Based on some of these articles it sounds like Sony is skipping E3 because it's not fan focused.


However, E3 organiser the ESA has struggled to satisfy all of its members who have been split over what they want the show to be. Some publishers such as EA and Sony want to see E3 become a fan celebration of games, whereas others would rather the event remained an industry-focused affair.


I'm all for the limited time digital events since 99.9% of the fan base can't attend anyways. The only thing I will miss the most is the conference battles.

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4 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

Based on some of these articles it sounds like Sony is skipping E3 because it's not fan focused.


I'm all for the limited time digital events since 99.9% of the fan base can't attend anyways. The only thing I will miss the most is the conference battles.

Times are changing. 

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So it doesn't seem like anything will be happening in February.  It would have made sense if they would have also been at E3.  Reveal the system and capabilities as well as a couple games and tech demos, then go full blown on games during E3.  But now it seems like they'll just have an event doing all that (still likely before E3) but it'll be further out than Feb.


Kinda sucks.  We need a serious info drop soon lol

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1 hour ago, Remij_ said:

Nintendo is still there.


Honest question.. outside of E3.. what does Nintendo do to get people hands-on time with their upcoming games?  Maybe I'm drawing a blank.. but I can't really remember any other events that they really go hard on.


If E3 dies.. Nintendo will have to start doing their own events too.

Nintendo holds hands events throughout the year all over the country in the US.


One year they had the e3 demos available for the public to. play at Best buys all. over there country during e3 week. 


I wish they would do that again. 

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

Nintendo holds hands events throughout the year all over the country in the US.


One year they had the e3 demos available for the public to. play at Best buys all. over there country during e3 week. 


I wish they would do that again. 

Really?  Like, actual special events?


I know of the bestbuy demo kiosk things that they do every so often.. but I guess I don't really consider that the same thing as what I'm thinking of.


Do Nintendo have a real presence at any of the other pop culture related trade shows?  I think if E3 really does go away, Nintendo will have to step up it's public interactions a bit. 

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3 hours ago, Remij_ said:

Nintendo is still there.


Honest question.. outside of E3.. what does Nintendo do to get people hands-on time with their upcoming games?  Maybe I'm drawing a blank.. but I can't really remember any other events that they really go hard on.


If E3 dies.. Nintendo will have to start doing their own events too.

tbh Nintendo were the first to say that the old style E3 presence just wasn't necessary and heavily downgraded their presence. Sony have now just taken the next step and left the show altogether. 

Not sure how hard Nintendo goes at PAX but I don't even think they care. Their first party IP strength is so huge they don't need it. 


3 hours ago, lynux3 said:

Based on some of these articles it sounds like Sony is skipping E3 because it's not fan focused.

The only reason I think this is bs is because they stopped doing PSX also and that was widely acclaimed as the best fan event every year. Makes so much sense to abandon E3 then have a PSX instead but that doesn't seem to be their strategy anymore. 

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