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Phil Spencer: Amazon and Google are ‘the main competitors going forward’

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What lol?


“When you talk about Nintendo and Sony, we have a ton of respect for them, but we see Amazon and Google as the main competitors going forward,” says Spencer. “That’s not to disrespect Nintendo and Sony, but the traditional gaming companies are somewhat out of position. I guess they could try to re-create Azure, but we’ve invested tens of billions of dollars in cloud over the years.

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lmfao that dude lost his mind. all the assfucking he got from sony and ninty truly broke him :tom: 


"not disrespect [them]" lmfao so salty

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This is because they’re going to focus heavily on subscription service for next-gen with gamepass. They know they’re already dead in the hardware race. And why would they bash their partners who are going to be hosting MS Studios’s games? :tom:

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12 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

PSnow hasn't transitioned to Azure yet, is a shit service and yet it still has something like 5-7x the users of freaking Stadia "their main competition".

But they are , no ?

And you still dont understand . You probably read a few era posts in that thread and decided to copy paste .

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Phil's not wrong... at all.  You have to be a complete fuckhead to not understand what he's saying.  MS is looking much farther ahead than "another typical generation"... I said that shit since SS.net.  They are pushing gaming in the direction of cloud computing which plays to the strengths and benefits of working for the entire company.  They do that... and they have the entirety of MS backing them fullstop.  Then it's not just about "gaming"... it's about cloud services.. and MS will put their might behind that.


MS has been working on their entire dev stack.. streamlining and improving their tools and APIs for this.  They've been working backwards compatibility and cross system services to eventually consolidate their gaming services and remove the need for any specific hardware from the equation.  This is why Nadella is behind it 100% and actually putting some funding behind it.


You can see Sony just now starting to make decisions leading them in that same direction.  They're gonna start bringing their games to PC... probably try to find a way to charge PC gamers for using PSN.  They've got to slow get their community used to the idea that PS games could appear elsewhere and that they'll want their services on other devices and shit like that.  I can see PSNow getting an overhaul and changing their service to be more like gamepass.



There's gonna be a LOT of change coming this gen.  You guys fucking know it.


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5 hours ago, Ike said:

This is because they’re going to focus heavily on subscription service for next-gen with gamepass. They know they’re already dead in the hardware race. And why would they bash their partners who are going to be hosting MS Studios’s games? :tom:

exactly this, they're going to basically whore themselves and their ramshackle first party output to sony and nintendo heavily next gen.



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I know what he is trying to say but he is also full of shit. This is the same guy that said that the Pro wasn't a competitor to the One X. He just doesn't want to mention Sony and Nintendo as competitors because you don't want to be in a competition where you a losing. 

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14 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

I know what he is trying to say but he is also full of shit. This is the same guy that said that the Pro wasn't a competitor to the One X. He just doesn't want to mention Sony and Nintendo as competitors because you don't want to be in a competition where you a losing. 

They are 100% pushing in the direction they are because of their failure and Sony's utter dominance.. no question.  I agree 100%.  But this is just putting a speed up on something that was going to happen eventually regardless.  MS is in a unique position where their entire business revolves around the cloud.  The cloud will affect every single industry in this world.  Nothing can escape it.  MS, and Phil specifically... is making the best out of the current situation... but their eyes are on the long haul prize.  Xbox would have been dropped 100% if Phil didn't convince Nadella that they could push towards a different market.  One which plays to the strengths of the company.  That's the ONLY reason why Xbox is still with us today... I'm convinced.


But it's the way the industry is going... and MS has learned from past mistakes, that it's better to be the ones to push the industry in that direction and be a key player rather than come late and try to catch up.. and completely miss the boat.  Gaming is huge, and in the future, with any device.. and services.. it's going to be too large for them to ignore.  


So in that sense.. you can see why MS views other cloud companies as the real competition.  It's not even about having the best games or whatever at that point.  It's about having the best cloud infrastructure tuned for this industry.. and offering services to your customers, and those who would be your competition.  If they get Sony and even Nintendo eventually on Azure and Sony builds up a huge subscription service... then that's a win over Amazon and Google.


I think that's what he's referring to.  It's not the fight to make the best games and move the most hardware, but to secure deals with gaming companies like Sony, Nintendo, and even big 3rd party publishers like EA, Ubisoft, and Take Two.  Getting those companies on Azure is how MS competes with Google and Amazon.

Edited by Remij_
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