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Rod Fergusson is leaving The Coalition, going to Blizzard to oversee the Diablo franchise

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End of an era, really.  Rod is a good dude.  Hopefully whoever replaces him will be more willing to change the series up and reboot it.



Makes me wonder if Mike Ybarra poached Rod lol

Edited by Remij_
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  • Remij changed the title to Rod Fergusson is leaving The Coalition, going to Blizzard to oversee the Diablo franchise

He's been working on the franchise for 15 years, he's no doubt burned out. This actually makes sense and he was able to pull together a really good and competent development team so all is well. 


3 hours ago, Remij_ said:

Makes me wonder if Mike Ybarra poached Rod lol

Or Microsoft back door poached Blizzard and are in the process of planting people. 


Mike Ybarra: Executive Vice President

Rod Fergusson: Heading the Diablo franchise



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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

He's been working on the franchise for 15 years, he's no doubt burned out. This actually makes sense and he was able to pull together a really good and competent development team so all is well. 


Or Microsoft back door poached Blizzard and are in the process of planting people. 


Mike Ybarra: Executive Vice President

Rod Fergusson: Heading the Diablo franchise



5D chess :aitch: 

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18 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:



After the FUCKER ran Gears into the dumpster. What a fucking low class move.

Truly a piece of shit person and I wish him the worst. Hope him and Mike Ybarra both suffer


14 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

Everyone saw this coming too after Gears 5 failure, CrapGamer called this after Gears 5's disastrous performance and dismal reception.


This guy loves Gears way too much to go willingly.


MS is in a disaster state right now. 



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yeah, he thought he signed up to lead a #1 selling franchise and infuse it with sJW lesbian shit


Unfortunately since that's what he did, it's now a C-tier franchise which nobody likes anymore. Now he's moved on to syphon the life out of another franchise.


Maybe Mike was right, only one person controls what happens at MS. Either way Rod did nothing but damage Gears of War to the point where the franchise holds 0 weight.


Rod is a fucking loser ass conman.

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I really hate when people do this. They work on something, eventually ruin it then run like rats when the ship is sinking. 

If anything he should be forced to work on Gears games for the rest of his career, even if the games stop releasing :tom:

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