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Control PS5/X remaster confirmed

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Key points:

  1. Revenue 17.8 (10.9) million euros, change +63%
  2. Operating profit 5.1 (1.0) million euros, 28% of revenue
  3. Control will be ported on PS5 and Xbox Series X
  4. 2020 will see the release of CrossFire X and Control expansions
  5. Two new projects; unannounced new IP and Project Vanguard enters in pre-production (This is a live service game)
  6. Project Vanguard is using Unreal Engine 4 and not Remedy's own internal engine (Nortlight)
  7. Expecting 2020 to be a better year financially, revenue and profits to increase as well.
  8. 248 full time employees at the company
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I mean ms will do it with their 1st party . I doubt many 3rd party devs will , unless they are games launching this holiday .


They will  sell control as a remaster . Ugh I cant imagine slogging thru that game again anyway 

  • Haha 1
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4 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

I mean ms will do it with their 1st party . I doubt many 3rd party devs will , unless they are games launching this holiday .


They will  sell control as a remaster . Ugh I cant imagine slogging thru that game again anyway 

yeah, i'd want to see it for the technical wizardry. most of my friends lost interest in it. 

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The game is pretty bland looking tbh. A bunch of boring office spaces .

The effects are the only impressive part , and they do deliver .


Basically it's nice tits on an average body 

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56 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

The game is pretty bland looking tbh. A bunch of boring office spaces .

The effects are the only impressive part , and they do deliver .


Basically it's nice tits on an average body 


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3 minutes ago, bhytre said:

don't kid yourself you got the early adopter beta test :hehe: 

Yes... and it's time to move on :facep:

LOL old PC games for your console launch...  plpleez gib us thos 7 RTX gaems!! :tear2: 
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44 minutes ago, Sabo said:

Is there a point in remasters if all systems next gen are going to be BC?

Because a lot of people like to rebut games they probably wont play again for some reason 

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It makes sense from a financial perspective. Control didn't do wonders on current gen, and remastering it for PS5/XSX, in what will likely be thin launches, may get more people to pick it up. Launch games always do pretty well. 

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Im playing Control right now and a remaster wouldnt fix its issues. Its an okay game but Im never replaying it after Im done with it. Might as well play it now if you want to, no point in waiting for a mediocre port or a mediocre game. lmao

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