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Microsoft really over delivered

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Remember what all of us were hoping for before last year and the year before that, before we knew about Navi performance, like a 12 teraflop console would be over the moon and were expecting like 10-11?


I mean now we're looking at one that is 15-16 teraflops relative to the hardware from the current generation, I just find that insane.

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I agree. Your track record at predicting things has been exemplary!

too bad, games are still fan fiction for lemmons  

I mean you said $350 was low end and then started talking about the range of mid-range prices going from $300 to $500, but okay.

1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

Yeah expectations have been surpassed. RT hardware, SSD, 12 RDNA tflops was fan fiction a year ago



Yeah, it's like a 12x leap in compute not to mention all the other luxuries. Current gen really felt like a generation 7.5, so far 9th gen seems to really deliver.

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58 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

This narrative will be dusted away shortly.

Shortly? You expect AAA level content from the recently acquired studios so soon? 


How quickly do you expect AAA content to be consistently delivered after launch? :mjpls:

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And to compare to XSX you'll need to spend over double its price . 


-Compares to 700+ dollar GPU's out now 

-Pulling RTX out of the dumpster and devs will actually care about it now


-4k up to 120fps



Hopefully at least this XSX and to a lesser extent , the 7tf ps5 will force Nvidia to quit ripping off PC gamers .

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