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Anyone gonna check out Bloodroots

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8 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Got this for $8 because for some reason EPIC had given me a $10 holiday sale voucher thats valid for all games until May. Its the little surprises like that which elevate this storefront :aitch:

hows that EGS dick? in a year nobody will talk about it anymore so get used to it. :trump2:

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The graphics are perfectly serviceable.


Anyway, the game is fun but also needlessly frustrating. The controls are very loose which works for the fast pace of the combat, but the problem is that the levels are built around platforms and other suspended areas and the controls make it easy to fall off and die. Pretty annoying when you're on a good run but then you just fall off an edge you couldn't see until it was too late. There was even one time where I got through a pretty tough section but on the way to the next area I fell and had to do that part all over again which was annoying to say the least.

Edited by Twinblade
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