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Insider DuskGolem - "the next year is going to be a pretty crazy time for Resident Evil fans”; no plans for CVX remake; Dino Crisis project cancelled

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

Disappointed to hear about Dino crisis. Capcom has been putting out a lot of quality games lately but they all belong to the same few franchises. It would be nice if they varied things up a bit.

Yeah, Dino Crisis with RE engine graphics would have been fucking great.

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dino crisis always sucked. i only knew one guy who liked these poor mans RE with dinos, a fat, smelly kid. he legit reeked like shit, like he hasn't seen water and soap for weeks, just like ramza.

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2 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

Parasite Eve is a franchise worth reviving. That's on Square though


I dunno, people REALLY hated 3rd Birthday so SE might be avoiding this series like the plague.

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3 hours ago, Sabo said:

I dunno, people REALLY hated 3rd Birthday so SE might be avoiding this series like the plague.

The gameplay was pretty good overall and I think a lot of people agree even if it didn’t really fit. It was just the story that was complete and utter dog shit.


but I don’t know where they could even take this series. All 3 games are so different and each one has its fans that you’re not going to please anyone with a new game.


PE1 was an rpg, pe2 was basically resident evil, and 3rd birthday was a full on 3rd person shooter


For a new game idk wtf they would make. A RE clone? An rpg? A 3rd person shooter?


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