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FF7 Remake demo is out now

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6 minutes ago, Sabo said:

When it comes to combat systems? Yeah, I know my shit. 


Mock all you want but anyone who has has paid any attention to the things I talk about when it comes to combat systems knows I'm not talking out of my ass.



Meh I’ve played a fucking shitload of character action games but I still wouldn’t be able to get a feel of the combat system of a game if all I only spent with it was “15 mins” Even I had trouble kinda getting the feel of it down and I lasted an hour with it. 


That’s why I tried it a 2nd time for the fuck of it. this time skipping every cutscene and doing it as fast as possible. Still took me like 25 mins. The biggest time sink is the boss which that alone is like 10 mins.

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I'm an expert at pressing buttons, do you know who you're talking to!?    

He rushed through the game in 15min....didn't watch any of the cutscenes, but he's an expert at the combat and how to defeat enemies in the quickest way possible... on his first playthrough...

Yes master. im a mere FF plebeian in your presence

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20 minutes ago, Delita said:

Meh I’ve played a fucking shitload of character action games but I still wouldn’t be able to get a feel of the combat system of a game if all I only spent with it was “15 mins” Even I had trouble kinda getting the feel of it down and I lasted an hour with it. 


That’s why I tried it a 2nd time for the fuck of it. this time skipping every cutscene and doing it as fast as possible. Still took me like 25 mins. The biggest time sink is the boss which that alone is like 10 mins.

Playing a game and actually diving deep to understand a game are two completely different things.


I've played a lot of RTS games but I'm no expert on them because I never dive in deep on them. 


But Action games? That's my shit. I'll average 300 hours into a Action game and easily put more time than that if I really enjoy the game. Like NGB, I put well over 2000 hours into that game. DMC? Easily over 500 into each of them (well except DMC2 and DMCV). 



I don't know how long the boss took me but I know it didn't take 10 minutes. Were you focusing on Staggering? It is pretty much the same system from FF XIII, huge damage multiplier on Staggered enemies so abuse it.

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Heres a question: Were you guys ever able to dodge the boss' shockwave attack? The moment it starts charging I would immediately roll in the opposite direction and that attack would still get me every. single. time.

Edited by Twinblade
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38 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Heres a question: Were you guys ever able to dodge the boss' shockwave attack? The moment it starts charging I would immediately roll in the opposite direction and that attack would still get me every. single. time.

The one he does to get you off him? EMP Field I think it's called?

Yeah. You can dodge it consistently. Paying attention for the text prompt is what I was using because it's startup animation is a little similar to another attack. As soon as the text pops up get out of there because if you hesitate you will get caught.


That attack needs a bit more startup because it's a little unfair right now.


One attack I still haven't figured out how to dodge is the missile barrage. Starting to think you're intended to just block it. The way it's splash damage works doesn't seem like you can dodge it consistently.

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Ahh i see, Im interested in seeing how the other boss battles compare when it comes to the timing of their attacks, and how to minimize the damage you receive. I was listening to Giantbomb and apparently some of the later boss battles are incredibly elaborate and have attacks that can completely wipe out your party if you're not perceptive enough. Controlling 3 party members at once seems to complicate things even further.

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10 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

I'd take sabos opinion over ff fanboys that's for sure . He will be better at any action game than probably everyone here . Facts .

You think HL:A looks like low budget shit.  Nobody gives a fuck what you think... about anything. :freeman: 

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21 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

You think HL:A looks like low budget shit.  Nobody gives a fuck what you think... about anything. :freeman: 

It does look low budget. Also facts .


Maybe not be a massive fanboy at all times :shrug:

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9 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

It does look low budget. Also facts .


Maybe not be a massive fanboy at all times :shrug:

Name a VR game it looks lower budget than :drake: 


Maybe try not hating things because you don't have access to them... that way you can spare us the threads years later of you finally trying a game and saying it's awesome. :yeshrug: 

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It might be the highest budget vr title , that doesnt mean it's a high budget game.  It just shows that all vr is low budget trash just like this .


If they made a real HL3 , the budget would dwarf the fuck out of this and you know it .


But valve doesnt care about that. They just want to use the hl name to see some shitty vr headsets.


Oh , and VR flopped . That's a fact.  When psvr is number 1 at 5 percent of the userbase you know you have a stinker. 


I'll also never use vr . I could buy a vr set right now but why ? To use it 2 or 3 times a year like rtx ? Rofl . Flop.

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35 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

It might be the highest budget vr title , that doesnt mean it's a high budget game.  It just shows that all vr is low budget trash just like this .


If they made a real HL3 , the budget would dwarf the fuck out of this and you know it .


But valve doesnt care about that. They just want to use the hl name to see some shitty vr headsets.


Oh , and VR flopped . That's a fact.  When psvr is number 1 at 5 percent of the userbase you know you have a stinker. 


I'll also never use vr . I could buy a vr set right now but why ? To use it 2 or 3 times a year like rtx ? Rofl . Flop.

You're an idiot.


You'll use VR... when Xbawkz saz so :lemming: 

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All done. Battle system is fun and the game itself is gorgeous. Can’t wait for the full release. I do hope there’s a little more customization with your allies actions. 

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52 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

It's one of the prettiest games this gen. I doubt it's doing anything any other UE4 game isn't doing on consoles, just great art design and polish. Bad damn the hair is so well.done.

I still think Sony first party has the best character models in the industry but they are really great. The details on the clothes is insane. 

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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

It's one of the prettiest games this gen. I doubt it's doing anything any other UE4 game isn't doing on consoles, just great art design and polish. Bad damn the hair is so well.done.

FF XV and KH3 are shit games but they are great eye candy. Graphics is like the one area SE will never falter on. 

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9 hours ago, Sabo said:

Playing a game and actually diving deep to understand a game are two completely different things.


I've played a lot of RTS games but I'm no expert on them because I never dive in deep on them. 


But Action games? That's my shit. I'll average 300 hours into a Action game and easily put more time than that if I really enjoy the game. Like NGB, I put well over 2000 hours into that game. DMC? Easily over 500 into each of them (well except DMC2 and DMCV). 



I don't know how long the boss took me but I know it didn't take 10 minutes. Were you focusing on Staggering? It is pretty much the same system from FF XIII, huge damage multiplier on Staggered enemies so abuse it.

I’d say you’re an expert if you can beat those rts on their hardest difficulties.


I mean I’ve played the same games you have but it didn’t take me hundreds or thousands of hours before I could finally get a grasp of the mechanics to finally consider myself a master. I would spend like 100 on each or a little more. You’re not learning alchemy here. If I spent 10000 hours does that make me more well knowledged than you?

Like just throw me any game outside of DMC/NG, Which I beat on DMD and Master Ninja a million times. Shinobi? Nightshade? Bujingai? God hand? Shit, fucking Chaos Legion? Anything. I beat the shit out of those games a million times even on their hardest difficulties but it’s been so long now since then. Shinobi has that shit on hard where you’re power is draining so you gotta keep moving, doing that TATE shit, god hand has the wheel on DIE at all times on hard. I mean you’re not the only one who knows action games here.



But I’m kinda over this subject tbh. I’ll just say, I disagree that it was 15 mins. And I did focus on stagger but it took more time on account of learning his patterns and having difficulty dodging the emp, because the dodge is not wide enough to avoid it so you gotta just poke him and wait for it because if you’re in the middle of a combo while the text pops up it’s not enough time to avoid the AOE


But I’ll just say Square is def gonna redeem themselves with this after the shit that was kh3

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