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Platinum Games sheds Light on Xbox1 version of W101 and ports of their other games.

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8 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

You're an absolute retard . You questioned me. I proved you wrong .

When you are wrong,  your feelings get hurt then you start typing paragraphs .



No, I asked what part was being left out.


Because you INSINUATED that gouko left out a part that is misleading, meaning that Bayo 2 or Bayo 3 could potentially come to Xbox.


You then proceeded to post something that DOESN'T CONTRADICT what Gouko posted in the OP.


We pointed that out.


And then you tried to claim that we were "changing the topic"............except for the fact that we weren't, in was clearly in the OP.


Sorry, you're wrong. And you know it.:reg:

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17 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Lmao you quoted me 5 times without a response . Here ill give you one .


Are you okay ? :sabu:

You have 6 posts  responding to me in my thread all of which you were scared to direct quote :tom:




why are you obsessed with posting in My Thread? :scust:



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Lol this is so sad, imagine only owning an Xbox one? The console is the laughing stock of the industry, forgotten time and time again and not even worthy of a kickstarter port where the game would literally be funded for free by fans. Even then the parent company wants no business with it.

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2 hours ago, lynux3 said:

Xbox :rofls: 


It does line up with everything we've heard about the Xbox development environment; it's complete garbage. :puke: 

They're not even willing to let lemmings fund the game for free..... that's how bad it is:drake:

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