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IGA cancels Rougelike mode (which was a stretch goal) for Bloodstained because of coding challenges

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One of the promised stretch goals for the game was Roguelike. Unfortunately, the code that was created early in the game’s development is not currently compatible with this type of gameplay (especially a procedurally generated castle). Due to this, we regret to announce that we will not be developing Roguelike as part of the project's planned stretch goals.



I remember this actually being a major selling point during the kickstarter campaign. I also just realized that myself and many others never received the physical steelbook copy we pledged for. Its hard to have faith in kickstarter after shit like this.

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sorry for the missing steelbook copy bruh, but man cheer up, roguelike genre is goddamned awful. there are like 2 games that do it right, everything else is trash 

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