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Outer Worlds is meh, really hurt by the budget

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Small hubs with almost nothing to do. Very few quests. Nothing to really explore. There is basically no world to get lost in. Almost no random encounters or anything to discover.


But it is very well made and polished.


Honestly lets hope this is more of a prototype for the sequel. Fallout 4 was garbage in comparison but there was a world to get lost in.

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Yeah. From the consumer's perspective, it was the best thing in the world to play this on GamePass when there was all of those $1 and $3 promotions going on.


And tons of PC players got to play it on release day, and 40 hours later they realized that this wasn't up to snuff as a real Fallout replacement. And definitely isn't worth $60.

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The game does open up a bit after the first world. Theres actually a decent amount of content but the problem is that some of the planets felt really half assed, theres one in particular that teases you with how cool it looks but then you realize theres nothing to do on it.

Edited by Twinblade
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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

Or they reused male haircuts on female characters.

i think both, I haven't forgot developers today are far too lazy to build things from the ground up... except CD Project Red.  


So they gave everyone half-ass pixie haircuts that are really just dude haircuts. 


What game is that BTW?

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12 hours ago, Spicalicious said:

Love this MS exclusive. :lemming:


9 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

lol this is so sad.



it really is :mj: 

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