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How come everyone stopped talking about the console war now that Switch is dominating sales every month?

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It's not a war anymore.    It's a Massacre 

Switch won

Ain't dat the goddamnmuthafuckin truth

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3 minutes ago, Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess said:

Switch won

I respectfully doubt that. but whatever makes your pyjamas tingle you in a good way

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Why is it everytime Nintendo dominates like Wii and Switch people try to pretend it's not part of the race? :mjpls:

Trust me, if Sony and MS thought they could sell hybrids handheld consoles they would but you know.... well Vita, and whatever that thing MS made was:ooh:

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there's really not much to talk about. You kind of need a PS4 and a Switch to experience everything, PC and Xbox have no real exclusives (Well PC does but no one cares about RTS or whatever else crappy non-games PC gets).


so we're down to 2 platforms that have differentiated from eachother enough to make arguing over which is better a moot point. 


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If you want the most powerful console you need to go Xbox.  It will be the same again next gent so get used to another several years of weak ass hardware from sony and ninty.


Lol the low end Xbox next gen is probably almost as powerfull as the ps5 :trump3: you can't make this ownage up my friends. :mj:


The 12 TF beast will decimate the sheep and cows. :D 

Edited by Spicalicious
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