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Rumor: Sony rebooting Silent Hill series

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13 minutes ago, Delita said:

If it doesent carry any financial gain, and it doesent have the original team why use the ip? Id rather they’re envision their own especially since Sony already has a guy who’s been doing that for 20 years. Silent hills demo was amazing but you could have called it anything and to this day people remember it much more as PT than silent hills. Final name probably would have even been changed to PT since the mass amount of hysteria surrounding it referred to it as such


Ok Sony reboots Silent hill. Ok. Cool.  If people actually want that then I hope they do. I’m just not sure where the excitement would be because it’s just by name only. I’d a million times rather have a brand new franchise from Sony which I’ve been hoping for ever since siren team finished Blood Curse



Something like a souls reboot would carry less weight than Elden Ring has 


okay a few things are confusing me here.


according to the rumor, it does involve people from the original team including the creator, creature designer, and composer? thats a silent hill dream team in my book. silent hills revival by kojima is a completely separate rumored project. this thread is terrible about posting the meat of the rumors so correct my if im wrong here.


siren team has made a new franchise since blood curse: gravity rush. and neither came close to touching the multi-media franchise silent hill. new ips are great. sonys made plenty this gen. but if you have a chance to get the band back together for another silent hill, that has to be greenlit. who knows if konami would ever play ball again.


also, souls reboot carrying less weight than elden ring is debatable, and elden ring no matter how good it is, will still carry less weight among the mainstream than elder scrolls, fallout, and mass effect. the point is what carries more/less weight or has the most financial upside shouldnt always be the impetus for every project.

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Silent Hill still carries weight. Even if not among customers, it's going to be easier to get executives to put weight behind a project when you can pretend like you have an established IP attached to the project, especially if you can detach it from Konami shitting the bed and have a few token devs to get people excited.

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1 hour ago, Quad Damage said:


okay a few things are confusing me here.


according to the rumor, it does involve people from the original team including the creator, creature designer, and composer? thats a silent hill dream team in my book. silent hills revival by kojima is a completely separate rumored project. this thread is terrible about posting the meat of the rumors so correct my if im wrong here.


siren team has made a new franchise since blood curse: gravity rush. and neither came close to touching the multi-media franchise silent hill. new ips are great. sonys made plenty this gen. but if you have a chance to get the band back together for another silent hill, that has to be greenlit. who knows if konami would ever play ball again.


also, souls reboot carrying less weight than elden ring is debatable, and elden ring no matter how good it is, will still carry less weight among the mainstream than elder scrolls, fallout, and mass effect. the point is what carries more/less weight or has the most financial upside shouldnt always be the impetus for every project.

Tbh, ive been so out of the loop I seriously totally forgot Toyama the Gravity Rush/Siren guy made Silent Hill 1. Siren 1 was pretty shit, Siren 2 I ajways wanted to play but it only came out in EU and JP. But Siren Blood Curse was incredible and felt like a real modern Silent Hill. If he’s the director then yeah it’s in good hands.  Silent Hill 1 I liked about as much as 2 and 3.


 That was the link between Silent hill and Sony I wasn’t seeing. So now I can see credence 

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