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Okami 2 was in development but things didn't work out between PG and Capcom

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

You already did that...................except for yourself running away from the subject line of this thread.


The OP clearly gave away at what you really wanted to talk about.


Damn..........that almost sounded like a good comeback if it didn't describe you already. LOL

Except I didn't.  You did.


Thanks for admitting I was right by saying it was a good comeback.. because you know it's true. :lawl: 

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Just now, Remij_ said:

Except I didn't.  You did.


Thanks for admitting I was right by saying it was a good comeback.. because you know it's true. :lawl: 

Nope..........the topic was about me, and you admitted to it several times.


It was a good comeback, that I already made fun of you for it.


I love how you scrounging to find ANY victory you can find.............do you understand how much that pleases me to see you that desperate? Man, you really are short-sighted when you type those things. LOL

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3 hours ago, Remij_ said:



So either Kamiya and PG were trying to launder money from Capcom... like they apparently did MS... or they got fucked and Capcom fucked them over :kaz: 


What goes around comes around eh Jer?  Sounds like  PG is great at fucking over publishers... Nintendo's probably getting fucked at this very moment and PG is fixing to break free before Nintendo becomes the wiser :rofl: 

Capcom fucked over it's developers more than 10 years ago, that's why platinum was created (basically filled with Ex Capcom workers) , that's why Mikami and his team left left, that's why the mega man creator left....all around the same time. 


and how the tweets are framed it sounds like Capcom was the one who tried to screw them again. 

Edited by Goukosan
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yeah, i mean when clover studio disbanded and turned into Platinum it was kind of a given something nasty went down.


They did Okamiden, and honestly Nintendo has been all over this franchise ever since so you guys lucked out, if Okami 2 did come out it would have been a wii/wiiu/switch exclusive.

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Hey, I got no problem with Capcom doing things that cause more of their best employees to defect and create new, independent Japanese studios to make new, unique IPs.


All they need is a benevolent investor to help them setup their studio and pay for development there in Japan.


Some like Nintendo.:blessed:

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