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Persona 5 Royal - 96 on Meta

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No need to ridicule this franchise, soon this will be welcomed home to Switch where it belongs.


It starts with Catherine Full Body getting announced next Direct. Then Sony's meagre exclusivity period will expire. We'll be playing P5R on Switch within the next 12 months.


I urge everyone to wait for the real gamer's edition.



And that'll be:


Tokyo Mirage Sessions - SMT5 - Catherine: FB - P5RRGE for us


and only catherine and P5FGE for Playstationers.



Edited by Bodycount N
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15 minutes ago, Delita said:

Faggots on this forum used to ridicule this series :sabu:

Who used to ridicule it? I was late to the franchise (p4g was my first one), but it seemed like a highly praised franchise here. 

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24 minutes ago, -GD- said:

Who used to ridicule it? I was late to the franchise (p4g was my first one), but it seemed like a highly praised franchise here. 

Points to the post above 

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7 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

the jrpgs = gay stigma started to dispel around the time wrpgs started doing this







That was the argument I used when faggots like faggotcount said “oh well it’s an option in mass effect!!” In persona “you’re gay at all times!!!” Even though you can court numerous amount of bitches and no dudes like ASS Effect 

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God those times were so weird. Jrpgs are so gay! I’m not playing that crap! Now excuse me while I go plow a guy in mass effect like a real man



Edited by Delita
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there's basically a point of no return for western games post 2013, I don't even bother anymore. Every franchise I loved was cucked from Halo, Gears, Battlefield, Mass Effect, etc.


Hell even the latest COD game has me playing as some little musllim girl LMFAO. I just led the female insurrection of bald-headed lesbian muslims through a warpath of russian male soldiers...


Garbage propaganda campaign. They should have just left it out like Black Ops 4

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22 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

At least it doesn't take 100 hours to finish. P5 is a much bigger slog.

Nah. I liked p5 more. 3’s story was better, but I liked the dungeon design and gameplay in 5 way more.  

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24 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

At least it doesn't take 100 hours to finish. P5 is a much bigger slog.

this a joke? Have you never played a persona before 

3,4, and 5 are all the same shit. Literally. They’re all 100 hour games. You can’t teach me shit. I played the shit out of all of them before you knew about them 

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1 minute ago, -GD- said:

Lmfao! Didn’t know about that. Cleo turned me onto persona 4

That’s cool I turned him onto it. It was a niche franchise but now it’s massive. I never could have predicted that 

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