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Is it me or the X Dev kit looks better than the retail console?

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It's strange for sure.  Maybe they're really loud?


Anyway... when looking at the devkits for both like that... it could explain why Sony possibly has their console clocked higher than MS.


2GHz could be a reality lol.

Edited by Remij_
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7 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

It's strange for sure.  Maybe they're really loud?


Anyway... when looking at the devkits for both like that... it could explain why Sony possibly has their console clocked higher than MS.


2GHz could be a reality lol.

RAM bandwidth is more important than an extra teraflop. If they can get it higher than X, that will make a bigger difference.

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I love the look of the Series X.  It's 2 Gamecubes together, essentially.  The devkit looks boring and just like One and One X.  


I mean.. if you're going to have a console naming convention as fucked up as MS has with Xbox One S and X, and Xbox Series X... you better at least make sure the console looks different enough so nobody would be confused lol..

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