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Official Mark Cerny "The Road to PS5" deep-dive video thread

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If MS can come within $50 of the price of the PS5.. they're going to have a strong marketing advantage.


Gotta remember... that PS5 SSD ain't coming cheap.  They could end up being the same price at this rate.

Edited by Remij_
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Yeah, I figure those would boost interaction 

20TF+ and 7GB/s SSDs  

Another funny thing you can expect is that manufacturers of NVMe drives that WILL work with the PS5.... will be priced hiked for that very reason :tom: 

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As a youtube video presentation, why did they choose to film this like it was a conference presentation?


You can tell that this was Mark Cerny's decision rather than the Playstation Blog marketing team, because they would've had Cerny simply doing voiceover or talking like PS direct or Nintendo direct spokesman.


Instead, he's behind a podium for no reason, and he's got a small screen to his right, and they put FAKE silhouettes of people that look like they are from Getty Images.


What was that all about? Cerny is in a virtual press conference stage. Just make a powerpoint with voiceover.:drake:

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i didn't even want to watch this whole thing but Cerny's calm and soothing voice won't let me stop the video. help.

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6 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Wonder how much those ssd's are gonna cost 

Even worse they did exactly what they shouldn't have, they're letting people put in 3rd party storage which means ignorant consumers will buy the wrong stuff or not even know what to buy.

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yeah, this makes the decision quite easier.


The nVidia new line of video cards is the actual major item to get this year.


I can either think about trading in my PS4pro for a PS5, or hold onto my PS4pro, and there will be an inevitable PS5pro and get that.


Really depends how compelling Sony's exclusive PS5 games are going to be near launch, if they got 2 or 3 really compelling games within the first 6 months, then I might have to buy it within that period.

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4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Even worse they did exactly what they shouldn't have, they're letting people put in 3rd party storage which means ignorant consumers will buy the wrong stuff or not even know what to buy.

Didnt they say it had to be certified? There will probably be ps5 branded ssds

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Lol dont be fooled by this xflop vs ps talk. Outside of a few retarded shills here nobody cares about xflop in the real world.


A decade of no games, XBX which was hyped to the moon came out and flopped, and their new black brick isnt going to turn any heads either.


Xbox is a dead brand. PS actually has games. ‘Nuff said.

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