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Do you think we will reach real-time rendering quality this high this generation?

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Yes.  We already have characters on screen in games running at 60fps that look like this on 4TF gpus with far less efficiency.





Games which target 30fps for next gen will easily reach that level in the AAA game space.

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14 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Yes.  We already have characters on screen in games running at 60fps that look like this on 4TF gpus with far less efficiency.





Games which target 30fps for next gen will easily reach that level in the AAA game space.

The level of detail and intricacy is drastically different. 

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

The level of detail and intricacy is drastically different. 

I know that.  Those are still 1.8TF gpus running those visuals at 1080p.. and it's a 60fps targeted game.


30fps Series X and PS5 games will look like that.  Just look at HB2 for example.  Games which are targeting realistic visuals such as that, will do so, I'm confident.

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59 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Maybe if there were studios still pushing out Crysis level exclusives for PC, unfortunately PC hasn't gotten one of those in over a decade.

so true. console fags holding tech back. :mjcry:



on topic: i don't care about a detailed Freeman. I want him to start fucking talking. it's 2020. in 2023 when Half-Life 3 releases for traditional and VR games, i really hope he starts talking. 


It will be super awkward at first but its the only way this franchise will succeed in the long run. silent protagonists dont work, not anymore. 

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I think it will depend on the game's scale and budget. Unless you're Rockstar or Ubi you're not going to be able to AFFORD to take advantage of the hardware to have huge production values imo.


A game franchise that's not a linear 8 hour game and doesn't sell past 2 million won't do crazy visuals imo.

Edited by Team 2019
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2 hours ago, ghostz said:

What about a gameplay screenshot. That also has about 1/10th of the detail of the OP

This is screen I took as I was playing the game.  It's not a rendered cutscene. It's real-time game RTX enabled. 

The 1/10th of detail is understandable.  The screen shot I took is 1080p. So I imagine it would look even better at native 1440p or higher. 

Edited by The Mother Fucker
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