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"As Rod Ferguson continues to distance himself from the failed Coalition studio, GearSJW 5 falls to 45th most played on Xbox Live" - BREAKING REPORT

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GearSJW 5 falls to 46th most played on Xbox Live, Falls behind 5-years worth of back COD titles, Farming Simulator '19, and even other failed SJW titles (BFV, Halo 5)


In completely expected news, GearSJW5 continues its swift fall into irrelevance sinking as low as 46th most-played on the failed XBone family of consoles. Having been positioned in the market as a Straight-To-Gamepass feminist shooter, one can only wonder what went wrong during the title's development.


Former studio head, Rod Fergusson, had this to say to Channel 5 news: "I'm glad that i could take this toxic-male franchise off of the market and put it into early retirement. Now that it's dead I'm cutting and running over to Blizzard Entertainment LLC, where I'll continue to practice my penchant for ruining franchises, and cuckoldry."


It's unclear as to what the future holds for this now stained and discarded franchise, but we speculate that the franchise will be promptly buried and forgotten about, unless Microsoft needs more exclusives to appease PC gamers, their only desired demographic. Gears Tactics launches Xcludedly for PC's--and only PCs--this April. 



disastrous results. A once top 5 franchise under Epic games, now charting significantly behind farm simulator. :scared: MS and their devs are downright dangerous.


Edited by Bodycount N
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Just now, Remij_ said:

Gears Tactics looks awesome.  Could end up being a better game than Gears 4/5.


PCPC#1 :lawd:

There's almost 100% chance that it's the best and highest rated game in the franchise since the original trilogy, i mean it's been freed from the Cuckalishit's poor development practices.


and yeah, Xbox owners WONT EVEN BE ABLE TO PLAY IT! :laff:

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