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Resident Evil 3 fixed on Xbox One X

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13 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

X keeping pace with Pro..... bbbbut it's a monster I swearz it :awww:

Keeping pace? It's exceling, can you not read you fucking mongoloid?


Dropped frames: X 218 > Pro 605

Mean Framerate: X 59.14fps > Pro 57.61fps

Mean Frame Time: X 16.91ms > Pro 17.36ms

Minimum Framerate: X 47fps Pro 43fps

5th Percentile: X 53fps > Pro 49fps

1st Percentile: X 49fps > Pro 46fps


It's also running heavier AA on the X. This game is CPU limited, not GPU limited you dumb shit. You are by far one of the dumbest and most technologically illiterate people on this forum, and more than that your platform doesn't have this game, shut the fuck up.


You got raped bitch tits, take it like a man and fuck right off :mj: 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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a picture of dyno on this forum:   

so same res and framerate as pro...   thread backfire     the big moment of victory deeno was waiting for was the version belonging to the 30% more powerful, $100 more expens

Lemmings excited about a 1-2% victory after a massive resolution downgrade over a 6/10 game, but brushes the 10/10 off to the side because it's a one year exclusive.

Looking at the fake stats above, it's clear that this game is worst on BONER-X. Then you add in the fact that the sales split for RE games is 80:15 in favour of PS4, the Resident evil brand and capcom are aligned with PlayStation, and the fact that XBONE never got RE7VR, RE: UC, or a functional version of RE3R, it's clear why the real experience is tailor made for PlayStation and the 'fake' sub-experience is on the ol 'Bone.


I'll wait for a definitive DF verdict, but it really doesn't matter. Even if it ran and half the rez on PS4, that'd still be the real, 'main' version.








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2 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

Looking at the fake stats above, it's clear that this game is worst on BONER-X. Then you add in the fact that the sales split for RE games is 80:15 in favour of PS4, the Resident evil brand and capcom are aligned with PlayStation, and the fact that XBONE never got RE7VR, RE: UC, or a functional version of RE3R, it's clear why the real experience is tailor made for PlayStation and the 'fake' sub-experience is on the ol 'Bone.


I'll wait for a definitive DF verdict, but it really doesn't matter. Even if it ran and half the rez on PS4, that'd still be the real, 'main' version.


:tom: Best on X

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24 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

TLHBFR :kaz:

I posted that X drops to 47fps..... DynamiteCop posts something to refute it that shows X drops to 47fps :lawl:




PS4 Pro launched with a superior version, I post that X finally catches up to PS4 Pro..... DynamiteCop refutes that by posting something to show the X finally caught up a week later.  :mj:





TLHBFR :drake:

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


You can't spin this, I told you this would happen and it did. You got kneecapped kid, take the L and get to steppin you delusional sack of shit. 


Oh it was better for a week on PS4? Wow, now it's inferior forever. 



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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

You can't spin this, I told you this would happen and it did. You got kneecapped kid, take the L and get to steppin you delusional sack of shit. 


Oh it was better for a week on PS4? Wow, now it's inferior forever. 



You said it would never launch that way and it's just a demo..... it did launch that way and still had to catch up to Pro:tom5:

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Lemmings excited about a 1-2% victory after a massive resolution downgrade over a 6/10 game, but brushes the 10/10 off to the side because it's a one year exclusive. :tom:

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Lemmings are so pathetic. They're all hyped up that Capcom made a 6.0 rated multiplat game better. Cows have two exclusive 10 games and sheep got a 9.0 game. But I guess, when you're left to choose between this and MS's first party offerings like Bleeding Edge. :danylol:

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4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

You said it would never launch that way and it's just a demo..... it did launch that way and still had to catch up to Pro:tom5:

He folded quick. Didn't even make it to the river. :tom5:

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4 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

Lemmings excited about a 1-2% victory after a massive resolution downgrade over a 6/10 game, but brushes the 10/10 off to the side because it's a one year exclusive. :tom:

It's not a 1-2% victory because the code housed on the disc is a 77% higher resolution and without updating will push straight to 4K 60 on the Series X. 


Like I said, this victory is forever, we'll have Final Fantasy in a year, and it will again be better on X. 



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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

It's not a 1-2% victory because the code housed on the disc is a 77% higher resolution and without updating will push straight to 4K 60 on the Series X. 


Like I said, this victory is forever, we'll have Final Fantasy in a year, and it will again be better on X. 



Downgrade complete. :rofls:

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I mean, it's not much of a victory when the X1X is essentially running the same visual and performance parameters as the PS4 PRO.  I mean, if the CPU is the problem, then they should have been able to hit higher resolutions than they chose while maintaining the same performance.  X1X should have managed around 1800cb or so..   When you're at the 40-47fps range, who really gives a shit between a few frames?  You'll noticed the same level of performance... it's not like one is at 60 locked while the other is constantly dipping to 55 or so.. which is FAR more noticeable.


That said... Dynamite said the game would be patched to fix the performance and it was.  Capcom cared enough to do it afterall :shrug: 

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2 hours ago, Vini said:

lmao this is all they got when they know they've been playing inferior ports for 3 years

Ive been playing good games all gen.


You havent.

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4 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

I mean, it's not much of a victory when the X1X is essentially running the same visual and performance parameters as the PS4 PRO.  I mean, if the CPU is the problem, then they should have been able to hit higher resolutions than they chose while maintaining the same performance.  X1X should have managed around 1800cb or so..   When you're at the 40-47fps range, who really gives a shit between a few frames?  You'll noticed the same level of performance... it's not like one is at 60 locked while the other is constantly dipping to 55 or so.. which is FAR more noticeable.


That said... Dynamite said the game would be patched to fix the performance and it was.  Capcom cared enough to do it afterall :shrug: 


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Wait a minute, so they released the game at 4K with absolutely tanked framerate?


And then in order to lazily attempt to fix the framerate problem, they tank the resolution??????????????



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5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Wait a minute, so they released the game at 4K with absolutely tanked framerate?


And then in order to lazily attempt to fix the framerate problem, they tank the resolution??????????????



Lazily fixed? They set it to the same resolution Resident Evil 2 ran at which was the expectation from the patch the entire time...


You guys have a mental illness. 

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2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Lazily fixed? They set it to the same resolution Resident Evil 2 ran at which was the expectation from the patch the entire time...


You guys have a mental illness. 

So you're more expensive console that you waited a year longer doesn't do anything better.


And you're barely 2 years removed from spending $500 and you're already telling people that if they want 4K resolution...........that they just TOOK AWAY FROM YOU (lol).............to plunk down another $500 this year for another console.


And you're saying other people have a mental illness:lawl:

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