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Resident Evil 3 fixed on Xbox One X

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1 hour ago, lynux3 said:

Lemmings excited about a 1-2% victory after a massive resolution downgrade over a 6/10 game, but brushes the 10/10 off to the side because it's a one year exclusive. :tom:

Lemming logic :lawl:

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a picture of dyno on this forum:   

so same res and framerate as pro...   thread backfire     the big moment of victory deeno was waiting for was the version belonging to the 30% more powerful, $100 more expens

Lemmings excited about a 1-2% victory after a massive resolution downgrade over a 6/10 game, but brushes the 10/10 off to the side because it's a one year exclusive.

Just now, jehurey said:

So you're more expensive console that you waited a year longer doesn't do anything better.


And you're barely 2 years removed from spending $500 and you're already telling people that if they want 4K resolution...........that they just TOOK AWAY FROM YOU (lol).............to plunk down another $500 this year for another console.


And you're saying other people have a mental illness:lawl:

Like Goukosan you're totally hardware retarded. Do you not understand that 60 FPS games run into CPU limitations much sooner than 30 FPS games? The processor is bottlenecking hence the CPU scaled performance advantage, throwing more GPU at the situation won't give you a higher framerate in this situation, as it scales up performance will decline.


The game should have never of been at 4K in the first place, sure the system can handle it but not at 60 FPS which outlines the previous performance. The game got patched to its expected state, no one was expecting different than what this patch delivered. The silver lining is as a result of its release state on disc the game is future proofed automatically because running version (disc build) would automatically deliver a 4K 60 FPS experience on Series X whether this was the intention or not. 


You're a moron. 



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9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Like Goukosan you're totally hardware retarded. Do you not understand that 60 FPS games run into CPU limitations much sooner than 30 FPS games? The processor is bottlenecking hence the CPU scaled performance advantage, throwing more GPU at the situation won't give you a higher framerate in this situation, as it scales up performance will decline.


The game should have never of been at 4K in the first place, sure the system can handle it but not at 60 FPS which outlines the previous performance. The game got patched to its expected state, no one was expecting different than what this patch delivered. The silver lining is as a result of its release state on disc the game is future proofed automatically because running version (disc build) would automatically deliver a 4K 60 FPS experience on Series X whether this was the intention or not. 


You're a moron. 



If it were CPU limited...........then why did a RESOLUTION DROP improve the framerate?????????????


That would be indicative of the GPU, not the CPU. Its the same exact CPU usage whether its 1620p or 2160p.


Holy shit this guy just got busted being a complete fucking moron

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

If it were CPU limited...........then why did a RESOLUTION DROP improve the framerate?????????????


That would be indicative of the GPU, not the CPU. Its the same exact CPU usage whether its 1620p or 2160p.


Holy shit this guy just got busted being a complete fucking moron

Like I said you're completely hardware retarded, you sheep are legitimately idiots and you have no business in technical discussions whatsoever.


If the CPU were not bottlenecked it can manage the instruction requests from the GPU which allows you to increase graphical settings and resolution with a linear scaling of performance. A CPU isn't like a container which can get full, you can continually cram more requests into it which further bottlenecks it. When you run into a CPU bottleneck your performance plateaus, pushing graphical settings beyond this point bogs the CPU down further by jamming in more instruction requests which it can't handle. 


The GPU can handle this additional rendering workload but it further taxes the CPU which is why you get a sharp falloff in performance. If you put in a better CPU this performance loss would not be present. It's not a GPU bottleneck, you are incredibly dumb. 

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2 hours ago, Remij_ said:

I mean, it's not much of a victory when the X1X is essentially running the same visual and performance parameters as the PS4 PRO.  I mean, if the CPU is the problem, then they should have been able to hit higher resolutions than they chose while maintaining the same performance.  X1X should have managed around 1800cb or so..   When you're at the 40-47fps range, who really gives a shit between a few frames?  You'll noticed the same level of performance... it's not like one is at 60 locked while the other is constantly dipping to 55 or so.. which is FAR more noticeable.


That said... Dynamite said the game would be patched to fix the performance and it was.  Capcom cared enough to do it afterall :shrug: 

That is correct it's not a victory for X to run at the same parameters as pro. 


as far as DynamiteCop.

2 hours ago, Goukosan said:

You said it would never launch that way and it's just a demo..... it did launch that way and still had to catch up to Pro:tom5:


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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

Wait a minute, so they released the game at 4K with absolutely tanked framerate?


And then in order to lazily attempt to fix the framerate problem, they tank the resolution??????????????



Just wait a year for Scorpio Native 4K everything... $500 dollars please. 


Yea so about that... umm... just wait for Series X for the 4k we promised you with X..... another $500 please. 



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29 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Like I said you're completely hardware retarded, you sheep are legitimately idiots and you have no business in technical discussions whatsoever.


If the CPU were not bottlenecked it can manage the instruction requests from the GPU which allows you to increase graphical settings and resolution with a linear scaling of performance. A CPU isn't like a container which can get full, you can continually cram more requests into it which further bottlenecks it. When you run into a CPU bottleneck your performance plateaus, pushing graphical settings beyond this point bogs the CPU down further by jamming in more instruction requests which it can't handle. 


The GPU can handle this additional rendering workload but it further taxes the CPU which is why you get a sharp falloff in performance. If you put in a better CPU this performance loss would not be present. It's not a GPU bottleneck, you are incredibly dumb. 

No, visual rendering instructions are handled by the GPU. Not the CPU.


And its not some heavy task to render at a higher resolution. This isn't like turning on some new advanced graphical effect.


If the CPU were truly bottlenecked, framerate performance would remain the same at both resolutions.


Sorry dude, you're not going to contradict 20 years of countless PC tech articles that say that very opposite of what you are claiming.

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9 minutes ago, jehurey said:

No, visual rendering instructions are handled by the GPU. Not the CPU.


And its not some heavy task to render at a higher resolution. This isn't like turning on some new advanced graphical effect.


If the CPU were truly bottlenecked, framerate performance would remain the same at both resolutions.


Sorry dude, you're not going to contradict 20 years of countless PC tech articles that say that very opposite of what you are claiming.

This is so far from accurate it's not even funny. Here's actually a perfect example of exactly what I just told you, like a perfect example. 





You are a colossal fucking idiot. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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LOL.. visual rendering instructions aren't handled by the CPU?


lmao that's news to me :D 


Resolution of course wont affect the CPU much at all.. that's completely different.  But higher visual settings definitely impacts the CPU.


That said... I don't think there's much of a difference in the visual quality in RE3 Remake between the two consoles that would bog one CPU that much more than the other.  Yes, X1X has some slightly higher settings, but nothing substantial at all... it's not like it's rendering longer draw distances or higher quality textures and things like that.  They're tiny differences that are really hardly noticeable.  AA settings don't affect the CPU either.. so it's not like that's making much of a difference.  


I think the X1X SHOULD have been able to hit a slightly higher resolution than they dropped it to though.  But whatever.  It's "fixed" lol

Edited by Remij_
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4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

This is so far from accurate it's not even funny. Here's actually a perfect example of exactly what I just told you, like a perfect example. 





You are a colossal fucking idiot. 

Wow, you really don't know what you are talking about.


WHen you talk of the "CPU preparing" for the GPU..........we are talking about what goes in the scene, the characters, the objects, the light and shadow calculations.


Those are the "instructions" those are the things that can overwhelm a CPU.


RESOLUTION is not a heavy instruction, it does not increase the load of instructions the higher you set the resolution.


Think about it sweetheart, whenever you see PC tech review sites determine that something is CPU-limited..........why did the framerate PLATEAU??????????????


By you logic, the framerate should go DOWN.


but it doesn't go down it PLATEAUS as the resolution gets higher.


Holy shit, you are stupid enough to double-down on this, aren't you?

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Holy shit................Dyno-crap just tried to say that the CPU has to work harder to tell the GPU to draw a scene at a higher resolution.


Like as if the CPU has to instruct the GPU on every pixel.


More resolution = More pixels = More CPU instructions required.


HE LITERALLY JUST TRIED TO SAY THAT :lawl::lawl::lawl::lawl:

No wonder he's fascinated by laserdiscs, more disc, more visuals!!!!!!

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5 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

VG Tech: Resident Evil 3 Remake patch Xbox One X Analysis (1620p, Almost locked 60fps)





4K he said. :kaz:






so same res and framerate as pro...


thread backfire :hest:



the big moment of victory deeno was waiting for was the version belonging to the 30% more powerful, $100 more expensive xbox one x being brought to total parity with pro? :lawl:


you were so thirsty, you jumped the gun posting an article that cites random users on gamefaqs/resetera, before waiting for the df/vgtech breakdown to get the complete picture. no wonder jon and vini noped out of this thread quick after jumping in super thirsty as well. "finally, a thread i can post in!" :rofls:

Edited by Quad Damage
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7 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:


so same res and framerate as pro...


thread backfire :hest:



the big moment of victory deeno was waiting for was the version belonging to the 30% more powerful, $100 more expensive xbox one x being brought to total parity with pro? :lawl:


you were so thirsty, you jumped the gun posting an article that cites random users on gamefaqs/resetera, before waiting for the df/vgtech breakdown to get the complete picture. no wonder jon and vini noped out of this thread quick after jumping in super thirsty as well. "finally, a thread i can post in!" :rofls:

You people are so dumb.... Resident Evil 2 is exactly the same, this was expected...


Holy fucking hell



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5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

You people are so dumb.... Resident Evil 2 is exactly the same, this was expected...


Holy fucking hell




so both remakes are basically the exact same on pro and x? okay.. :D


X was a mistake

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