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Casual's Top 50 Games of All Time

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The best I can do is like top 5 using Ben smileys for some of my most memorable gaming titles.     Half-Life    MGS 3    Halo CE   Ninja Gaiden     

More ppl should do threads like this. I might try update my Top 50 and post it later. Fun threads. 

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6 minutes ago, モンキー said:

I've legit beaten that game over 15 times. :sabu:

The co-op was fun but meh, it was a let down for me after RE4. Wesker was definitely cool though.

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice




Not my favourite FROM game by any means, and it lacked a lot of the exploration aspects that made me fall in love with the Souls, but for me they absolutely nailed the combat and while I prefer the character building/world exploration aspect of Souls, it was nice to be able to just focus on the combat and not fuss over whether or not I'm building my character right or if I missed any obscure secret in the previous zone. Some of the hardest but most rewarding boss fights I've faced, which was really apparent on subsequent playthroughs when you have the rhythm of the combat down. You could really see yourself progress through the boss fights when you're on attempt #20 and by that point are so good at the first phase that you basically don't even get hit. Also a very cool and underutilized (in the games I play, at least) setting. 


One of the best final bosses I can think of.









Civilization IV 




If the entirety of this game was just the main menu with Baba Yetu playing this would probably still make the list. One of the best tracks I've ever heard in a game and perfectly captures what the game is about imo. I was always pretty shit at the game honestly, I'd think I was doing good until about the halfway point and then stuff would always go downhill, but I had fun every time and can't even count the number of nights my friends and I lost to this game. The later Civs have never grabbed me unfortunately. I might reinstall this actually. 








God of War (2018)





I was never a fan of the God of War series tbh. Haven't been able to get through any of the other ones. If it wasn't for the setting of this game I'd have probably just ignored it, but I'm a sucker for snow in games and the norse stuff is a plus. It ended up being one of my favourite games of this gen. The combat was definitely still button mashy but I enjoyed every second of it, throwing the axe is still fun after 20 hours. The world would probably be the highlight for me, the art direction was amazing, some of the most vibrant levels to come out in the last couple gens. I've never been a story guy, but it still kept me engaged long enough to finish the game. 






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18 hours ago, kaz said:

maybe i post my top 20 (or less) at some time. but first I wanna see what casual has to say about each game lol. it's his thread, if everyone's doing it so detailed the thread will blow up.

Post yours bro....stop being pussy. 

Edited by Goukosan
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38 minutes ago, モンキー said:

 top 10 personal favorites for me as of right now and not trying to be objective. Like I think Bloodborne might be the best game of all time, but it's not my favorite. RE5 though. :lawd:


10) Super Mario World (1990)

9) Ninja Gaiden (2004)

8) Ocarina of Time (1998)

7) Super Mario 64 (1996)

5) Bloodborne (2015)

4) Street Fighter V (2016)

3) Resident Evil 4 (2005)

2) Resident Evil 5 (2009)

1) Resident Evil Remake (2002)









I respect the #2 choice! My #2 is one that problaby isn't what most would traditionally consider a "#2 favourite game" either.

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1 hour ago, モンキー said:

 and not trying to be objective. Like I think Bloodborne might be the best game of all time, but it's not my favorite


saying bloodborne might be objectively the best game ever lmfao :freeman: only boss could agree with this and blinded souls faggets 

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bloodborne was so good even I put 100 hours into it and i don't even like souls. would have got the platinum, i'm one trophy away but those randomized chalice dungeons just suck too bad to play any further.


Cainhurst castle one of the best moments in gaming history BAR NONE


Edited by Bodycount N
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I cant be bothered to make a top 50 list. I'll just post the first games that comes to mind in order but without thinking about it too much.


Fallout: New Vegas

Final Fantasy VI

Chrono Trigger

Parasite Eve

Dead Rising

Street Fighter III: Third Strike

Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

Final Fantasy VII

Demon's Souls

Final Fantasy IV

Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

Final Fantasy Tactics

Shadow of the Colossus


Street Fighter II

Soul Calibur

Resident Evil 2


Resident Evil 3



Ah hell, whatever, something like that.

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1 hour ago, Bodycount N said:

bloodborne was so good even I put 100 hours into it and i don't even like souls. would have got the platinum, i'm one trophy away but those randomized chalice dungeons just suck too bad to play any further.


Cainhurst castle one of the best moments in gaming history BAR NONE


Yeah, Chalice Dungeons suck. They get way too repetitive. Pretty sure you can summon other players though, so you can do that to blaze through them all and get the trophy. 

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16 hours ago, kaz said:


saying bloodborne might be objectively the best game ever lmfao :freeman: only boss could agree with this and blinded souls faggets 

You have alot of opinions on people's list... but you still can't post yours :trump:

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Bloodborne is still the only platinum I have and will likely remain that way. Shit was too damn good and I didn’t want it to end that I even enjoyed the chalice dungeons. There’s some unique bosses in them that are harder than anything in the main game 

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13 minutes ago, Delita said:

Bloodborne is still the only platinum I have and will likely remain that way. Shit was too damn good and I didn’t want it to end that I even enjoyed the chalice dungeons. There’s some unique bosses in them that are harder than anything in the main game 

Playing through them once was fine... But I spent a lot of time grinding them for Weapons and Blood Gems. 



Ugh.. Never again.

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6 minutes ago, Sabo said:

Playing through them once was fine... But I spent a lot of time grinding them for Weapons and Blood Gems. 



Ugh.. Never again.

I actually played through all of them twice because I played the entirety of the game coop with a friend and you know how it is how only the host gets credit for the completion. It was fun at the time but fuck if I would ever do that again. 

One thing I was glad nioh fixed. Both players get the credit for each completion 

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Metal Gear Solid




This is one of the rare ones that I played extremely after the fact but still made the list. I never had a PS1 growing up...I had played it here and there at friends but not the best way to appreciate a story driven game obviously. I finally got around to playing this as a PS1 Classic on my PS3 and I finished it in about two sittings. Even that many years later it was one of the best executed stealth games I'd ever played, and while the story was pretty wacky it was still interesting and kept me engaged. It made me fall in love with the series right away, and I immediately went to play through the rest of the games. Unfortunately those didn't hit me the same way, and while I enjoyed Snake Eater a lot, I found the other ones to be mostly forgettable. 











I love platforming games. I love difficult games that require a lot of repetition to get something right. I thought Super Meat Boy was an incredible combination of those two things, but Celeste absolutely blows that out of the water. The first two or three acts are really good, but by the fourth act I couldn't put it down. The way they trickle in new mechanics is absolutely brilliant. I know a lot of people adore this game for the story, I personally couldn't care less about that, but the gameplay, style, pacing and music is all 10/10 to me. I still have to go back and beat some of the B-sides, and I never got around to playing the last act that they added, I'm thinking a full playthrough is in order. 







Baten Kaitos




Of all the GameCube games that I would like to see make it to Switch, this one only falls behind Metroid Prime. One of the best JRPGs of the gen and right up there with some of the PS2 juggernauts imo. Can't honestly remember what happened in the story but to me a JRPG is only as good as it's battle system and battle theme, which Baiten Kaitos nailed. One of the better deck building games I've played and the way you utilize it in combat is engaging and rewarding. Really cool world and artstyle too.









Splatoon 2




The only game I can think of that haven't been made worse by motion controls. I initially grabbed the game and was playing it using my pro controller and the sticks, but decided to give the motion controls a chance since I'd heard so many good things about them. Man does the gyro feel good here. There's a long list of things that Nintendo missed the mark on...weird map/mode restrictions, the voice chat is relegated to an app that I'll never install on my phone, 28 tick servers, etc. Despite all that, it ends up being one of the most unique and charming multiplayer games I've ever played...maybe the best this gen has had to offer. The characters/world/music just ooze charm and the game modes all have such unique takes on an oversaturated genre. I still haven't done the single player which I heard is amazing. Hoping we get a 3rd before this gen is up.







Forza Motorsport 2





My favourite "sim" racer by a large margin. I did everything that this games single-player had to offer. I'd just zone out to a podcast and do my laps. Driving felt great in this game regardless of what class of car you were driving. The single player had a fantastic progression imo that I have no idea why they did away with. Probably the most satisfying gameplay loop of any simish racer I've ever played.


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2 minutes ago, Ike said:

Baten Kaitos was a great game.

One of the better games that not many people have played for sure. I never played the sequel but heard that it didn't quite live up to the first. Wouldn't mind seeing them take a stab at another one, though the name probably doesn't hold enough weight for them to bother...maybe a spiritual successor. 

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