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I don’t understand watching TV...

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I remember I relatives watching TV and they just watch one show, flip the channel, watch something else, flip back. They do that every day when they get home from work.

 I never cared for cable. Sitting in front of a TV all day sounds mind numbing. Games are an exception because you engage. Movies aswrll because you sit for a couple of hrs to watch a good movie, and your done. 

a show aswell.



im just talking more about watching tv but not really watching anything and just falling asleep watching tv.


idk, whatever...

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3 hours ago, roflpwnedz said:

They're busy working on a cure for the virus while you're playing videogames. Leave them alone.

They won't leave me alone. Knocking on my door, something about needing my fluids, she must feed and what not...

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