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Some big announcement coming tomorrow apparently

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

He has been doing that for a while now. 


"Bbbbut I hedged my bets, I see no ownage here" :wrists:




Remij the waffle king :lawl:

You ignored the OP too... and I called you out for it.


lmao selective reading to try and claim ownage... again SO DESPERATE :lawl: 

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Hopes and dreams 2: keep praying 

They're gonna trade the millions of copies sold to japanese consumers (the majority of the games sales) for a few thousand downloads on a $1 a month service   

These two       Sega was already acquired....... by Sammy in 2004.  Sega isn't currently looking to be aquired.    Lemming Fantasies crushed again 

Just now, Goukosan said:

All it took was a tweet about something big happening for lemmings imagination to run wild on them. 


You can tell they're on edge hoping for any sliver of good news, because they latch on to anything and run to the moon with it :drake:

All it takes is a single tweet about something big happening... and every Sheep is INSTANTLY in the thread... DESPERATE for ownage because other people are speculating what it could be. :lawl: 

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Just now, Remij_ said:

You ignored the OP too... and I called you out for it.


lmao selective reading to try and claim ownage... again SO DESPERATE :lawl: 

The Sega dream didn't start in the OP.    Nice try though :shrug:




Later in the thread once DynamiteCop floated the Sega idea , both you fools imagination ran wild " It would be awesome, can you imagine Bayonetta and Persona Xbox again :adhd:




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Just now, Goukosan said:

The Sega dream didn't start in the OP.    Nice try though :shrug:




Later in the thread once DynamiteCop floated the Sega idea , both you fools imagination ran wild " It would be awesome, can you imagine Bayonetta and Persona Xbox again :adhd:




You're right... it didn't start there.


And it would be awesome..  Me saying that is NOT me saying that I think that's what the announcement would be. 


Again... you're DESPERATE to own me with something... so far as to try to call out every single time I speculate about something....


oh wait... that's only so long as it pertains to Xbox... you never say shit any other time... wonder why? :drake: 

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

You're right... it didn't start there.


And it would be awesome..  Me saying that is NOT me saying that I think that's what the announcement would be. 


Again... you're DESPERATE to own me with something... so far as to try to call out every single time I speculate about something....


oh wait... that's only so long as it pertains to Xbox... you never say shit any other time... wonder why? :drake: 

I should ask you that.  Why are your speculations such shit? 


Your speculations are stuff outside the realm of reality, Pie in the sky dreams. 


DESPERATE dreams of hope that defies all logic.    It's retarded and deserves to be ridiculed and laughed at.:lawl:

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

I should ask you that.  Why are your speculations such shit? 


Your speculations are stuff outside the realm of reality, Pie in the sky dreams. 


DESPERATE dreams of hope that defies all logic.    It's retarded and deserves to be ridiculed and laughed at.:lawl:

Only when they pertain to Xbox.... apparently. 


Because you're DESPERATE to own lemmings..  And now EVERY CHANCE YOU GET... you try to claim I'm a lemming... because I don't spend the entirety of my time here hating on them like you do... so now I'm "one of them" to you.

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It's true though. Lemmings always come up with fantasies like this. Sorry kids, MS is only interested in buying B-rate hestern studios until proven otherwise. Remember when they were gonna buy Platinum couple months ago.:reg:

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14 hours ago, bhytre said:

Big announcement could only mean 3 things:


Sony: PS5 console reveal and price

Microsoft: Xbox One gets a new game :tom: 

Nintendo:  handhelds :tom: 


Looks like a new game on Xflop was too big of an announcement to be true :hehe: 

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4 minutes ago, モンキー said:

It's true though. Lemmings always come up with fantasies like this. Sorry kids, MS is only interested in buying B-rate hestern studios until proven otherwise. Remember when they were gonna buy Platinum couple months ago.:reg:

FF7R being a thing was a fantasy at one point too.. same with RE2 Remake. :reg: 


LMAO you guys can't seem to have fun and speculate about anything without being desperate for ownage of some kind.  You guys must be the kind of people that literally get disappointed when the things you want don't get announced... which is why you never have fun speculating about anything... and instead just call out others for having some fun.


That's literally all Goukosan and Jehurey do on this forum... wait for people to say things, and then attack them... because they are desperate to.. and don't have anything else to contribute to this forum.  And you can't blame them... because there's literal SEASONS of wait between big Switch games :shrug: 

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7 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Only when they pertain to Xbox.... apparently. 


Because you're DESPERATE to own lemmings..  And now EVERY CHANCE YOU GET... you try to claim I'm a lemming... because I don't spend the entirety of my time here hating on them like you do... so now I'm "one of them" to you.

Bro just yesterday or two days ago I was calling out your PC speculation, with all the fake Amazon france postings that you were "speculating" about:lawl:

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Just now, Goukosan said:

Bro just yesterday or two days ago I was calling out your PC speculation, with all the fake Amazon france postings that you were "speculating" about:lawl:

I wasn't speculating about that.  I posted news fuckhead.  Learn the difference.  I specifically said in the OP that it means nothing... .LMAO TRY AGAIN BRO... you're DESPERATE!!! :hest: 

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3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

I wasn't speculating about that.  I posted news fuckhead.  Learn the difference.  I specifically said in the OP that it means nothing... .LMAO TRY AGAIN BRO... you're DESPERATE!!! :hest: 

A rumor is speculation you dolt :sabu:

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Just now, Goukosan said:

A rumor is speculation you dolt :sabu:

Not my speculation.. I didn't start the rumor fuckhead.. "insiders" were posting about it on twitter.  Learn the difference :trump2:  

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5 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

They're gonna trade the millions of copies sold to japanese consumers (the majority of the games sales) for a few thousand downloads on a $1 a month service 




3 hours ago, Ramza said:

MS acquiring SEGA would have made sense during the first Xbox. Now its way too late for that.


3 hours ago, lynux3 said:

Lemmings actually thought Sega was getting acquired. :rofl:


2 hours ago, -GD- said:

Hopes and dreams 2: keep praying 


1 hour ago, -GD- said:

but teh power your dreams :cry:  


1 hour ago, Quad Damage said:

Lmfao @ how easy it is to rev up deeno and get him to post 4chan/reddit xbox pipe dream #47

Tons of posters ITT laughing at LemiJ and DynamiteCop. 


@Remij_singles me out to say "bbbbbut why are you so DESPERATE to call out my DUMBASS DESPERATE BS HOPES, DREAMS AND IMAGINATIONS"...... "leave me alone Gouko!!" :cry:

  • Haha 2
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3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Not my speculation.. I didn't start the rumor fuckhead.. "insiders" were posting about it on twitter.  Learn the difference :trump2:  

Back to your waffle king shit.  "Not my speculation, I just posted it... I didn't belive it" :wrists:












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14 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

FF7R being a thing was a fantasy at one point too.. same with RE2 Remake. :reg: 


LMAO you guys can't seem to have fun and speculate about anything without being desperate for ownage of some kind.  You guys must be the kind of people that literally get disappointed when the things you want don't get announced... which is why you never have fun speculating about anything... and instead just call out others for having some fun.


That's literally all Goukosan and Jehurey do on this forum... wait for people to say things, and then attack them... because they are desperate to.. and don't have anything else to contribute to this forum.  And you can't blame them... because there's literal SEASONS of wait between big Switch games :shrug: 

I mean Im just glad MS isn't (at least at this moment) buying SEGA. I don't want them to buy any major Japanese company. :ben:

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Just now, Goukosan said:






Tons of posters ITT laughing at LemiJ and DynamiteCop. 


@Remij_singles me out to say "bbbbbut why are you so DESPERATE to call out my DUMBASS DESPERATE BS HOPES, DREAMS AND IMAGINATIONS"...... "leave me alone Gouko!!" :cry:

lmao you ARE desperate... and it's because I hurt your feelings about something.  Probably Ori on Switch.. you turned into a bitch about anything I post after that... and it's because I'm not hating on Xbox every chance I get like you do.


You literally can't help yourself.  It's the only thing you really contribute to this forum.  DESPERATE to lump me in with the lemmings.  Desperate to own lemmings.  No fun allowed! :mj: 

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