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Desert planet 


Your time has come

A storm is coming

Our storm

And when it arrives it will shake the universe





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I hope Brian Eno is doing the soundtrack for the new one staring Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Timothy Chalamet, Dave Bautista, Jason Mamoa, Javier Bardem, Stellan Skarsgard, Charlotte Rampling, Zendaya, and David Dastmalchian.



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Great article on the film adaptations:






Can Denis Villeneuve break the curse of Frank Herbert's Dune on the big screen?


After Alejandro Jodorowsky’s abortive 15-hour version and David Lynch’s tailspin of an attempt, it is Denis Villeneuve’s turn to ride the sandworm




It’s easy to imagine why Hollywood felt it might take a maverick genius to film Dune, Frank Herbert’s 1965 sci-fi/fantasy opus. The novel, and its five sequels, are phantasmagorical and psychedelic in the extreme, like Star Wars on acid. In fact, George Lucas borrowed much from Herbert’s story: the witchy women of the Bene Gesserit are not so far from the wise, all-seeing Jedi (though Lucas wisely ditched the former’s freaky, eugenics-influenced breeding programmes). The planet of Arrakis, where the novel’s hero Paul Atreides finds himself caught up in a devious aristocratic plot to bring down his family’s noble house, resembles the desert planet of Tatooine where we first meet Luke Skywalker.


The first maverick to take on the task was the controversial Chilean-French film-maker Alejandro Jodorowsky in the early 1970s. Jodorowsky duly dreamt up a proposed 15-hour film in which Orson Welles was to play Baron Harkonnen, and Salvador Dalí the emperor, Shaddam IV. HR Giger, the Swiss artist who would later create the xenomorphs for Ridley Scott’s Alien, was brought in to work on the central building, the Harkonnen castle, while Pink Floyd were recruited to help with the soundtrack. Naturally, nobody wanted to fund this insane venture, whose passing into myth is chronicled in the fascinating 2013 documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune.



^ Great documentary on what Alejandro Jodorowsky has envisioned for his version of Dune.





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David Lynch finally got a new version into cinemas in 1984, only for Universal to release a two-hour cut he hated so much he had his name removed from the credits. In fact, Lynch was so disappointed in the film, he often refuses to discuss it in interviews. This is hardly surprising when you consider the awful inner dialogue that was added to the soundtrack for most of the main characters in post-production, seemingly to paper over the cracks from a confusing edit.


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43 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

Great article on the film adaptations:






Can Denis Villeneuve break the curse of Frank Herbert's Dune on the big screen?


After Alejandro Jodorowsky’s abortive 15-hour version and David Lynch’s tailspin of an attempt, it is Denis Villeneuve’s turn to ride the sandworm





^ Great documentary on what Alejandro Jodorowsky has envisioned for his version of Dune.





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Is there an uncut version of Lynch's dune? 

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