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Since everyone else is doing it.. here's my Top 50 games

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6. Super Mario World     Yea.. this was a tough decision.  Between Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World.  Both are absolute masterclass.  When SMB3 released, it was amazing no

3. Chrono Trigger     What would happen if a Dream Team of some of the worlds best developers got together and made an RPG?  One that would defy even the highest of expectations..

9. Super Mario Bros 3     This is pretty much a no brainer.  Anyone who was alive and remotely into video games around the time this released knew just how big of a deal it was.  T

3. Chrono Trigger




What would happen if a Dream Team of some of the worlds best developers got together and made an RPG?  One that would defy even the highest of expectations.. one that would try many unique and interesting ideas, and combine it altogether with one of the most memorable casts and stories ever told in gaming?


Chrono Trigger is what happens.  Top tier visuals, music, gameplay and battle systems.  An epic adventure spanning many timelines.  This is the best game EVER MADE with time travel.  It manages to nail every single aspect.  It's the result of the top RPG creators getting together and working in perfect harmony to create something that will always stand the test of time.


Chrono Trigger is undeniably an incredible game... and thus get's the #3 spot in my list. :smoke: 

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11 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

What's with all the lead up in these thread, just make a list. You're not Kojima for christ sakes, why all the suspense?

DeanoCuck can't concentrate for this long remij :lemming:

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2. Super Mario 64




My #2 game, and my favorite Mario game of all time.  This game.. was a revelation.  Yea, I had seen Playstation games... but they looked nothing like this.  The first time I ever saw this game in motion was at a friends place.  His sister's boyfriend was over and they were playing the game in the living room.  My friend and I were playing in an adjacent room, and I could catch peeks at the screen and all I wanted to do was stop doing whatever it was we were doing and go sit in the room with them and watch this amazingly stunning game.


And after a certain amount of time... that's what we did.  The colors, the 3d visuals, being able to move in full 360' with the analog stick and all the new acrobatic moves Mario could do.  I'd never EVER been so impressed by a game in my life up to that point.  This was literally the next level of gaming... and the promise for the future set my mind racing.


This wasn't just any game though... this was Mario.  And with Mario.. you knew came a level of quality and incredible design that few other games could match.  This was everybody's favorite mascot, running around in the most visually impressive gorgeous looking environments... with incredible music on every single level.  The castle as the hub and jumping into paintings was such a clever idea.  So many secrets to find.  This game literally felt impossible to me at the time.


To this day... and I shit you not... to this very fucking day... there's still something about the 3d visuals of Mario 64, and how it's presented that no other game has ever touched.  Yes, games with vastly better visuals are out there.. but the presentation and feeling of those 3d spaces still doesn't match what Mario 64 does to me.  The camera, the angles, the movement of Mario himself all contribute to what I consider a perfect realization of character in a 3d space.  I LOVE the presentation in this game.  How you enter and exit levels.  Mario's animations where he'll dust off his cap after finishing levels.  How after getting a star, the jingle plays and the camera pans out.  Everything contributed to this incredible presentation.


When you're coming from 2d games, and then you see Mario 64... it's just a revelation.  This game changed controls forever.  This game changed platforming forever.  This game changed cameras in games forever.  This game did all these amazingly innovative things... and wrapped it up in the most gorgeous graphics of the time, as well as the most innovative and incredible gameplay.


This game is the definition of a Killer App.  It was worth buying the system for this game alone.  It was simply STUNNING.  And I honestly feel sorry for people who weren't around at that time to appreciate what a significant leap this game was over what came before.  The 16-bit to 32/64-bit era transition was the most important and incredible moment in gaming history.  Both eras were completely bonkers and full of the best games of all time.  Games were becoming mainstream... and those of us at that time were at the perfect age to appreciate and love what that transition meant.


Super Mario 64 was at the forefront of that.  It's hard to list this game as even #2.  I'd probably share it equally with my #1 game if I could.  But I had to make a choice, and I stand by it.


:bow: :bow: :bow: 



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I sent this as a PM to Sabo, but I'm honestly just going to copy paste it here for my explanation for the most part. (I added a bit to it here)


1. Final Fantasy 7




Yeah, it's FF7.


The impact it had on me far outweighs any criticisms that can be levied against it regardless of whether they are justified or not.  I get the game has some issues, or maybe didn't innovate enough for some people.. but I think what they did here was successfully bring RPGs to the masses, and pushed something that was visually and presentation-wise so far ahead of their competition.


Sometimes there's just that perfect storm of a great game, the right moment in your life, and the right feeling or attitude towards it, and it latches on to you in a way that you could never have expected... it catches the zeitgeist.  FF7 is that game for me.  It means too much to be anything other than #1.  It defines a period of my life that I greatly adore.


Like I said with SM64, the 16-32/64 bit transition, being the right age to appreciate and fully play these games, the friends I had at that time.. the period of my life with everything included.  It was just a fun, optimistic time.. and this was a huge epic new entry in one of my most revered RPG series of all time up till that point.  I've played FF games since the very first one on NES.  The importance of this game couldn't be understated to me.  The idea of 3 whole fucking CDs worth of game... the visuals.. the cinematics, materia and summons..  I loved the world of FF7.   Everything came together.  The friends I played with.. and showed this game to..  I created many new fans of Final Fantasy with this game.


It just was amazing.  That's why it's my number 1 game of all time.  It wasn't just a game.  But something that helps me define an era of my life. It's deserving of the top spot for me.  There could be no other.  :salute: 

Edited by Remij_
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to be honest final fantasy 7 is my no. 1 as well. i didn't know anyone has the balls to actually say it :gasp: 


ok i have another no. 1 too. for my list. 

Edited by kaz
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8 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Awesome top 3 man!




My no.1 game still hasn't been on ANYONE's list in ANY position :meh:

Haha thanks.  


Damn... your #1 still hasn't even been mentioned? :lupe: 


7 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Oh and.....big hermit, no PC game in Top 10. Come back home Remij, consoles await you with open arms :-*


Yea, I realize that.  Diablo 2 got close. But honestly, it's logical, at least in my mind.  When I was younger I was mostly a console gamer.  PCs were still a high barrier to entry, and as much as I loved the PC games I got to play... there was just no denying that big hit console games were infinitely more accessible to me, and considering that not all of my friends had PCs so we could all play games together, it was always harder to appreciate and talk about those games among ourselves.  So console gaming definitely had the majority of my attention.  Of course, as kids, we always wanted to be able to play and talk about games together.


So that's what it comes down to.  And of course games like Mario and FF7 and others being extremely impactful during my youth.  DOOM and Simcity, Half-Life, Warcraft and tons of others played a huge role in the future of games.. but console gaming was always on the forefront with tech up until a point.  Then when PCs started pulling away from consoles.. things changed a bit.


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22 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Awesome top 3 man!




My no.1 game still hasn't been on ANYONE's list in ANY position :meh:

same. :ben:

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Just now, The Mother Fucker said:

You guys praise Chrono Trigger yet shit on Blue Dragon when the game was made from the same producers, same DNA yet 100% modernized for then modern consoles (X360).  

lol cmon now :D 

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