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North Korean leader probably dead

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Stern, Kobe, and now Kim. Been a bad year for basketball.


He may be in serious condition, but still conscious.   If he were truly incapacitated, you would imagine that certain people that are high up would start talking to other countries right now

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39 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Possibly brain dead?

Man what a year :dame:

it's fake news then, he was brain dead for years :dame: 

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He may be in serious condition, but still conscious.


If he were truly incapacitated, you would imagine that certain people that are high up would start talking to other countries right now.

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Japanese media is reporting that Kim Jung Un is in a "vegetative state".


  • On Monday, the Daily NK (an online newspaper in South Korea run by North Korean defectors who have contacts in the country) reported that Kim Jong-un had had surgery on April 12th and was recovering.
  • Reuters subsequently picked it up and ran the story internationally.
  • CNN picked it up and went to its sources in U.S. intelligence, who weren't willing to be named but said they were monitoring reports that Kim wasn't doing well.
  • On Tuesday, U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien acknowledged this on Fox News.
  • South Korea pushed back and stated that no evidence existed of a dire prognosis. (NB: The U.S. and South Korea are not necessarily operating off different sets of intelligence here. SK just tends to be a lot more circumspect about news reports that result from spying on NK, for what I imagine are obvious reasons.)
  • China's team (maybe -- timing is iffy) left for NK on Wednesday/Thursday.
  • Late Friday, the Japanese magazine Shukan Gendai was reporting that its reporters managed to get hold of one of the Chinese doctors who traveled to NK, and who said that Kim had most likely suffered a heart attack and that complications had happened during the attempted insertion of a stent.
  • Friday is when a whole lot of people, from Chinese government officials to the U.S. Department of State to South Korean intelligence, all suddenly decided that they had no comment on the matter.
  • The most recent reports of the Chinese doctors' text messages broke late Friday night/early Saturday morning US EST and added rumors that the North Korean doctors treating Kim had little to no experience placing stents in obese patients, had either made a mistake or decided to wait, and that the Chinese specialists arrived too late to make a difference.



Now we have a close race between who is more competent. North Korean dictator in a vegetative state, or Trump.




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I'm surprised this dude was in such bad shape. Youre usually golden in your 30s regardless of how much unhealthy shit you do 

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1 minute ago, JONBpc said:



I'm surprised this dude was in such bad shape. Youre usually golden in your 30s regardless of how much unhealthy shit you do 

Not at all. That would be 20s. It’s why professional athletes decline and retire in their 30s. And we’re talking about guys who keep themselves in the best shape possible.


This dude was morbidly obese and smoked like a chimney 

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At the hospital, prior to the arrival of the Chinese medical team, the North Korean doctor performed cardiac surgery but there were complications due to the hereditary dictator's obesity and the doctor's anxiety.

Whelp, he dead.

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4 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

He a fat guy but doesn't look morbidly obese and smoking generally doesn't have any life threatening effect on you to well after 30s

He was 5 foot 7, 300lbs. That’s fat af. His body mass index was 45 which is massively obese. 

I think that’s probably true about smoking when you have no other issues. But when you smoke as much as he did which has been reported and your that fat, your way more prone to get a heart attack. Heck I’m in pretty damn good shape but stopped smoking/vaping in my early 30s after I started getting bizarre heart palpitations 


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