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Half-Life Alyx sold over 860,000 copies in its first week

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Just now, Cookester15 said:

why does it look like a switch game? 

Why do you ask the stupidest fucking questions?  Literally all the time.


Take a peek at the game through a good headset and see how "switch-like" it looks :roll: 

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Why do you ask the stupidest fucking questions?  Literally all the time.


Take a peek at the game through a good headset and see how "switch-like" it looks :roll: 

so those screen shots are from a not good headset? 

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Alyx may be the best VR has to offer right now but that just shows how low the bar is. HL3 NEEDS to be a regular game in order for it to have anywhere near the impact that HL2 did. Large combat encounters against more than a handful of enemies (including Striders), wide open levels that need to be traversed by vehicle, and environmental platforming/puzzles that aren't simplified because of the ability to just teleport everywhere are key things that the next Half Life game needs to have, and Alyx is proof that you can't do that in a VR environment.


It can still have VR support but just in the form of you putting on the headset and having the 3D view of the environments (like how RE7 does it). But the design shouldn't be influenced by VR in any way.

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Just now, Twinblade said:

Alyx may be the best VR has to offer right now but that just shows how low the bar is. HL3 NEEDS to be a regular game in order for it to have anywhere near the impact that HL2 did. Large combat encounters against more than a handful of enemies (including Striders), wide open levels that need to be traversed by vehicle, and environmental platforming/puzzles that aren't simplified because of the ability to just teleport everywhere are key things that the next Half Life game needs to have, and Alyx is proof that you can't do that in a VR environment.


It can still have VR support but just in the form of you putting on the headset and having the 3D view of the environments (like how RE7 does it). But the design shouldn't be influenced by VR in any way.

Half-Life Alyx had just as much impact as Half-Life 2 did, maybe even moreso, but only to a select audience and there's nothing wrong with that. All of those things you're talking about are possible in a VR environment, 100%, the question is are they necessary, are they any form of a requirement for a great game? The answer is no.  


Resident Evil 7 is a garbage VR game, and it's garbage because it's plain to tell that VR is not a focal point of design. It's literally just a first person game with a VR mode tacked on, it could literally be any other first person game..

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4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

The game won't look like that on most headsets (at least not on my Vive). It looks fine overall but the drop in resolution when you're playing it is noticeable.

Then supersample. You're also using a Vive, and while there's nothing wrong with your headset you're no doubt using the Vive Wands as well, which are far and away the worst possible method for controlling this game. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Yup my opinion on the game is moot because of the controllers I used. Riiiiiiiiight :mj:

I mean would you trust someones view on how a car drives if you replaced their steering wheel with a floppy dead fish?



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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Solid game but its never going to be a replacement for HL3. Hopefully Valve is working on the real thing.

It will be a VR title. NO DOUBT

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