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Has The Last of Us 2 failing to live up to the hype killed your interest in PS5?

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I felt like Sony has dropped the ball in recent years and the last of us 2 has been testament to that. I don’t like the direction they seem to be going in and it seems now with tlou2 they’re interested in trying to 1up every developer in terms of virtue signaling and showing how “woke” they are rather than delivering a High quality product first and foremost.


Tlou 2 is being universally panned even by swj crowd for being too extreme in its message which detracts from the overall experience. If this is what I can expect from Sony going forward I’m getting off the ps5 hype train now. We already know it’s the weakest console so multiplats from developers that matter will be severely gimped. At this point it seems to be the console aimed at everyone minus the straight male core gamer 

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It seems like they just had a sjw checklist for this game.  Everyone knew they were going this direction.  I now have 0 interest in this game. 

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no, especially not if the silent hill rumours are true


it'll be the same going forward, switch getting 90% of my time, and PlayStation being where I play COD, the graphically intensive games switch can't run, and the odd Sony exclusive.


that being said, DualSense looked cool as hell so I'm very excited to see the hardware.

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you have to keep in mind sony actually gave BEND the freedom to develop days Gone, a right-winger game. If that was an MS studio that game would have been shuttered or reworked. All of MS games are SJW shit and they're mandated to be as such.


Sony appears to just let the devs do what they want. Blame Naughty Dog for this, not Sony.


of course you could just get a Switch where none of this is an issue, and anime titties, adult content, and whatever the fuck else isn't under attack because Japan doesn't give a fuck about this shit. :glad: 

Edited by Bodycount N
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nah, i skipped the ps4 entirely and i got a ps3 late into the gen back then for final fantasy, zone of the enders, mgs, rpgs etc. man was it disappointing until i got eternal sonata and demon's and resonance of fate but never got the games i wanted :(


uncharted and last of us (also stuff like ratchet and clank, lbp, jak and dextosteros etc etc) are just bonus games not a reason for me to buy a system lol

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imagine being this much of a virgin lmao


I'll get a PS5 when there's a game out that justifies it. I bought PS4 at launch but in retrospect wouldn't bother, especially with a PC. Bloodborne was the game that justified that purchase.


ND has always been meh to me, since PS3 at least. TLOU was great, Uncharted series sucks though. 

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Then again if PS5 is full BC and has upgrades for PS4 games I'll probably just get it at launch. It's not like I'll realistically hold out long enough for a meaningful price drop anyway. 


I skipped PS4 Pro and I'm still rocking my launch unit so if it's just a matter of me getting rid of that and replacing it with the PS5 entirely I'll bite. 

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5 minutes ago, Casual said:

imagine being this much of a virgin lmao


I'll get a PS5 when there's a game out that justifies it. I bought PS4 at launch but in retrospect wouldn't bother, especially with a PC. Bloodborne was the game that justified that purchase.


ND has always been meh to me, since PS3 at least. TLOU was great, Uncharted series sucks though. 

i did't buy a ps4 or xbone at launch because i didn't care for their lineups. i waited for infamous for the ps4 and forza horizon 2 for the xbone. 

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1 minute ago, -GD- said:

i did't buy a ps4 or xbone at launch because i didn't care for their lineups. i waited for infamous for the ps4 and forza horizon 2 for the xbone. 

Yeah that was the smart thing to do.


I actually almost bailed on my preorder by my buds bought it so I decided to jump in. I basically just played Resogun for a few months. 


The nice thing about PS5 will be that it just completely replaces the PS4 and then gives me at least PS4 Pro level performance out of my existing games (which I don't have right now), so it would at least provide value without using up extra space. 

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Just now, Casual said:

Yeah that was the smart thing to do.


I actually almost bailed on my preorder by my buds bought it so I decided to jump in. I basically just played Resogun for a few months. 


The nice thing about PS5 will be that it just completely replaces the PS4 and then gives me at least PS4 Pro level performance out of my existing games (which I don't have right now), so it would at least provide value without using up extra space. 

yeah, i'll probably give my pro to my sister when the ps5 drops (she has my OG one). 

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