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Is halo infinite going to be a massive flop? All signs lead to yes

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Absolutely, it'll be another ramshackle patchwork flop from 343i.


I assume it will be missing basic features from past titles, as well as now being split across 4 or 5 platforms.


The only thing I'm truly excited for, is to see how they'll scale the title to Switch once the emergency porting process begins, after the game and series X fail to make a dent in the market.


All in all, I feel this will be the last Halo title as we know it before the franchise is gutted and retooled for multiplatform distribution. Much like COD, Fortnite, and etc. It'll need to be cross-play with all platforms to keep it relevant in the MP space. It just can't reach the audience MS is hoping for without PC and PlayStation.

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10 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

The only thing I'm truly excited for, is to see how they'll scale the title to Switch once the emergency porting process begins, after the game and series X fail to make a dent in the market.


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4 minutes ago, Ike said:

8 at best, but that's still Hobopass standards. I bet the user score for PC will be sub 7. :hest:

Pretty sure PC beggars will bolster the scores for their version, MCC on Steam probably already outsold the Bone version.


the fucked up part is, believe it or not, Hermits have LESS to play than the lemmings when you factor in that 99% of hermits are gaming on Potato rigs that can't run high end games.

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I don't know why they even bother, just like Gears of War these games had their time and their fans but people pretty much moved on when they saw the drop in quality after every sequel.


And certainly with nu-Xflop holding the reins this will be yet another samey and forgettable, uninspired FLOP

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6 minutes ago, ghostz said:

Apparently it allows you to repeatedly repost a post you made 14 years ago because you have no material



Yet here you are still making Halo threads a decade and a half later. :reg:

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