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Hearing the protesters demands you give in and open the door and let the roudy protesters in, as they rush inside through the long hallway, the lights lining up the long hallway fade to dark, suddenly the large hallway the protesters eagerly entered is now mostly dark except for the outlines along the bottom of the walls.  The protesters look and see the walls are begin to raise up like something out of a set piece at a play.  The walls of the hallway continue moving up, disconnecting completely from the floor. The protesters began to hear sounds of a loud crowd from the other side. The walls of hallway are now fully raised in the air. The protesters look around and see that they find themselves in the middle of a packed arena stadium.


Screams and shouts heard all around, the protesters who were loud earlier have been silenced by the surrounding loud crowd.  Then suddenly music of Jimmy Hendrix's Voodoo Chile starts blaring from the raptors, the crowd's scream reaches a zenith. 


The protesters, now frozen silent in place are frighten when they hear a repeated echoing voice yell: NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW WORLD ORDER!

The protesters begin to bunch closer to one another in bracing the unexpected when they see off in the distance on the far end of the arena where an entry ramp begins, and then an unknown figure emerges from the fog.


This figure can be described as being boisterous , dressed in all black and white attire, and motioning a heavy air-guitar movement against a gold shiny object in his hand, this phenomenal looking figure appears to be none other than Hollywood Hogan. Accompanying him is a man in a leather jacket, jumping in ahead of Hogan in an airplane motion, this figure is Eric Bischoff who is signaling at the ramp for someone to someone to come fourth.  Next a tall man comes out wearing shades, it is the worm, Dennis Rodman, followed by another tall man wearing a tank that says "BIG SEXY", it is Kevin Nash, then strutting figure with slick back long hair is right behind him, it is Scott Hall. They walk confidently from the ramp with swagger as they go along the pathway to the center of the arena where the protesters look in awe. 











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Ah, so tis is what my roommate meant when he said Michigan is really a shit show.  :D


they're not even trying lmfao. well god rest their experiment. Maybe the virus stops killing people, Maybe not. Thanks Michigan!

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