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Next Gen Prediction: PS5 will be much closer in performance to the Series X, cheaper, and will again dominate in sales.

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If you take your fanboy cap off, you can see this one coming from a mile away. 


Xbox is going has a raw power advantage, similar to how the pro is weaker than the One X, but also similar to the Pro/OneX - they play more or less the same looking games with texture difference that only Digital Foundry can point out. I can also see PS5 coming in $50-$100 cheaper. 


However, the real reason I think the PS5 will again dominate next gen is this: momentum. 


Nobody has given a fuck about the Xbox for nearly 10 years. MS completely botched the Xbox One X with that ridiculous 'TV' conference and they have NEVER recovered from it. They're dead last in sales, exclusive games and people know it. They have failed to put out anything anybody cares about all gen, and what have they done to convince anyone that Xbox is going to be the console to buy next gen? Nothing.  


Playstation on the other hand has been 'in-form' since halfway through the PS3 gen, they entered last gen on a high and have delivered some exceptional games throughout the last 10 years which has converted those who previously lemkids over to Sony with most of them never looking back. 


Xbox series X is going to be Sega Saturn of next gen. 

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Xbox desperately needs a killer exclusive though. A bonafide 9/10 GOTY contender, something that's eluded them for over 12 years.


I say this someone who LOVED Halo and Gears of War's first 3 iterations; fuck those games. They aren't interesting anymore. Lock down a triple A exclusive from From Software or make a killer Perfect Dark 2. Hell, pay a shit ton of $$$ for Destiny 3 exclusivity (even though I personally don't give a shit about that series).

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Xsx is revealed,  people can't believe the specs . It beats the shit out of Sonys weak ps5. Sony was caught off guard and haven't even shown anything besides a shitty ssd demo and an ugly fisher price controller .


Flat out giving 1st party games to pc and Xbox 


Huge game delays , biggest game got leaked an exposed as an alt left propaganda piece 



Meanwhile, MS snagged up dev after dev , shocked the world with XSX specs , and continues to dominate with 10 plus million game pass subscribers 

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Its also funny watching cows say they don't care about power but the one of of 10 times a pro game has a 3fps advantage they talk about it for months :mj:


Look at the RE3 fiasco when they got fuckijg owned and pretend power doesn't matter immediately :lawl:

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yeah, it'll be the same as now.

An assault of AAAA/AAAE for the PS5, and it'll probably keep running all the most important multiplats better just like the Pro.




to the victor go the spoils. Devs will optimize for PS5 and Xbrick will once again get broken versions like RE3, or no versions at all like FF7.

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5 hours ago, JONBpc said:



Xsx is revealed,  people can't believe the specs . It beats the shit out of Sonys weak ps5. Sony was caught off guard and haven't even shown anything besides a shitty ssd demo and an ugly fisher price controller .


Flat out giving 1st party games to pc and Xbox 


Huge game delays , biggest game got leaked an exposed as an alt left propaganda piece 



Meanwhile, MS snagged up dev after dev , shocked the world with XSX specs , and continues to dominate with 10 plus million game pass subscribers 


Nobody gives a fuck Jenny. You and Dynocuck make up the retard fringe of the gaming world, the vast majority of people are not going to buy a series X over whats else is on offer. 


Plus for all M$' shit about new studio's and games, what have we had so far? Bleeding Vag :deader:


EDIT: Just re-read this:


"Continues to dominate"




Xbox couldn't fight its way out of a wet paper bag this gen. 

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Currently the only console looking good going into launch is XSX


10 million PLUS gamepass subscribers 

Showing games THIS WEEK

BOATLOADS of new studios purchased


BEATING UP 2000 dollar PCs




BARELY more powerful than XBX


750K PSN subscribers 

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32 minutes ago, -GD- said:

One x was discontinued after 2 and a half years. I’ll just stream the forza games with xcloud/gamepass. 

Second best ‘gaming experience’ JenB has ever played :loldance:


edit: Actually I think it was number 1, killer instinct was number 2. JonB’s top ten games thread was a mindfuck, some of the best bait he’s put out in ages though. 

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