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this comic is so wrong it hurts lol

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stopped reading at like 5th word. Fuck you 

last time none of you gays showed up

projection isn't going to help you, champ.   its sad that you are basically admitting that you are that easily manipulated.

I like how these people think they can respond by NOT reading, or NOT listening, or just NOT accepting what doctors, epidemiologists and the RAW statistics are saying, and its not gotten to the point where these guys have mentally prepped themselves to DISREGARD ANY DEATH COUNT that is declared every day.


How do you get to that point? Just what ideological concept are you trying to maintain when you've reached that point?

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19 hours ago, Spicalicious said:

Killing innocent children too apparently.  Literally nothing is known about this virus and people like you say open up he economy.  WTF 70k confirmed dead in USA and it's not just the old people. Alot of younger innocent people are affected too.  Wonder if you would change your tune if your parent or wife or child died from this. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/05/health/nyc-children-hospitalized-inflammatory-coronavirus/index.html


If that's what it takes to change peoples minds about just haphazardly going out in public during this event then so be it.  Many will die.  Hopefully not you or anyone you love though right?


Why are you resorting to emotional pleas and exaggerations? It's a waste of everyone's time. You're not taking this seriously.


All the people the virus kills are innocent. We do know the general parameters of the virus. And if I'd  be willing to crash the economy and cause millions of people to become destitute just to save myself and my family, I'd be a selfish asshole.


You're ignoring the economic harm this is causing to millions of people.


Under which conditions can be begin to open the economy back up? Do you want to shift the goalposts from preventing our healthcare system from being overwhelmed to eradicating the virus entirely? Are you waiting for medicinals to lower the fatality rate? How low? Are you waiting for conclusive evidence on the long-term health effects of contracting the virus? What? And how to we deal with those facing destitution?



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17 minutes ago, Saucer said:

You think this is going to be over in another month or two? LOL

being positive. i know they want 8-10 months.  taking 3 month chunks off at a time.  and actually, for the 5th time,,  new zeland, taiwan, japan, hong kong all these extra diligent countries / dat city

are actually enjoying work life and social distance life at the same time, because people actually socially distanced.  


I don't care if the economy tanks for 8 months either by the way. still more important than mankind and 100,000 more people dying. same point. 

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10 hours ago, jehurey said:

I like how these people think they can respond by NOT reading, or NOT listening, or just NOT accepting what doctors, epidemiologists and the RAW statistics are saying, and its not gotten to the point where these guys have mentally prepped themselves to DISREGARD ANY DEATH COUNT that is declared every day.


How do you get to that point? Just what ideological concept are you trying to maintain when you've reached that point?

Saucer is the same edggy asshole that vindicated George Zimmermin during the trial. it makes him feel special. 

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Realistically there is no good action right now. we’re fucked either way.  We’re on track for 100000 Americans dead by this month and that’s with the stay at home orders. Hard starting and opening isn’t going to help the economy as that’s just going to get a lot more people killed. The Tyson chicken plants in Iowa and indiana each got 700-900 people infected and they had to shut them down as that was more than half of their workforce and these are red states that have reopened. If our government took this shit seriously from the beginning and even to this day we wouldn’t be on track for 3000 deaths in day starting june. That’s a daily wtc death toll. Now imagine with a complete reopen?


You think people are going to adhere to the social distancing and face masks/ gloves with a complete open? The average American can’t even be assed to flush the toilet after taking a shit at a Walmart.


No matter how long this takes the economy will eventually bounce back but these death tolls are permanent. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he probably wants to go down in history as the greatest mass murderer since adolf hitler so he can gloat about how YUGE his death tolls are, and how they’re the greatest ever in history

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15 hours ago, Delita said:

Realistically there is no good action right now. we’re fucked either way.  We’re on track for 100000 Americans dead by this month and that’s with the stay at home orders. Hard starting and opening isn’t going to help the economy as that’s just going to get a lot more people killed. The Tyson chicken plants in Iowa and indiana each got 700-900 people infected and they had to shut them down as that was more than half of their workforce and these are red states that have reopened. If our government took this shit seriously from the beginning and even to this day we wouldn’t be on track for 3000 deaths in day starting june. That’s a daily wtc death toll. Now imagine with a complete reopen?


You think people are going to adhere to the social distancing and face masks/ gloves with a complete open? The average American can’t even be assed to flush the toilet after taking a shit at a Walmart.


No matter how long this takes the economy will eventually bounce back but these death tolls are permanent. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he probably wants to go down in history as the greatest mass murderer since adolf hitler so he can gloat about how YUGE his death tolls are, and how they’re the greatest ever in history

Hitler was not the greatest mass murderer *

Which Dictator Killed the Most People in History - Earthly Mission

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