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Out of curiosity, have any of you had or have COVID19 or know anyone that has?

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A few friends in DC have had it. One couple I know both had it (wife is an ER doc). The wife was sick for about 5 days but is now cleared to return to work. The guy felt symptoms for one day and was completely back to normal afterwards and has since tested negative.  Even smoked weed throughout the whole ordeal. 

both in their 30s


also had a friend who’s grandfather passed away from it

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My wife's boss was a former business partner of the first death in my county. Never met the guy or anything, but his name had come up in conversation and he was invited to Christmas parties.

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Know a few people that died.  I know a few coworkers that have it.  Know people in my personal life that also have it.  Know of family members of Friends that have it and or died from it. 

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Not personally, my uncle's friend's wife had it. She died. He went to the house to see them(they're neigbors), and they weren't home. Later he found out they were at the hospital.


He didn't believe the virus was serious until that happened... Even my aunt  who downplayed it and is a big time Trumper is scared now...

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I think at this point everyone knows someone who’s got it unless you’re an antisocial incel. Really shows how serious people need to treat this and how opening everything back wide open is retarded if we’ve gotten to where we are now, with out stay at home orders I can’t even imagine how much worse we be at

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