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Is anyone here a Covid19 protestor?

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10 hours ago, GeorgeW1000 said:

I joined a Trump facebook group to be around conservatives and all the posts are about bill gates and or are by antivax moms. 

Facebook is fucking trash and I'm not at all surprised you found that in a Trump facebook group. :hest:

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1 hour ago, HolyAx said:

Its not going up, check the latest data. 

The latest data where the grey box I referred to was the peak of reported deaths for Sweden? The latest data that has seen twice as many reported deaths in Sweden in the two weeks since your image than Finland and Norway combined have seen for the entirety of their outbreaks? The latest data where Sweden is 6th in the world for deaths per capita?


You're partially right, though. The number of people dying is not going up. Most of the reported deaths are being backdated to March and early April, so there's been a gradual decline since mid-April. There's the opportunity that these dates just get backdated with more deaths as the number of new cases peaked in mid-April, but I assume they're more proactive in testing now and that's unlikely to happen.


2 hours ago, HolyAx said:

Not a subscriber, so if you want to share what the article says beyond the first couple paragraphs you can but Denmark has four times the number of tests per capita yet still only has 70% of the cases per capita of Sweden. Any infection rate comparison between the two is ridiculous.


I don't know why people are obsessed with propping up Sweden as some evidence that you don't need to lockdown to beat the virus when they're a terrible example. Just look at almost any country in Southeast Asia/East Asia. South Korea has 5 times the population of Sweden and reported fewer deaths in the almost 3 months since their first than Sweden has in the last 3 days. Even Denmark said if they could do it again they would have gone the South Korea route instead of a lockdown.

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