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IGN, "You May Need to Lower Your Expectations For Next-Gen Graphics"

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I'n not baiting, this one controller HAS generated more excitement because it's the only thing about next gen that's been new and interesting.




MS is simply shitting out yet another failed Xbox one revision. their hardware isn't exciting, their controller isn't exciting, and the games they've shown thus far are their typical budget fare.


MS has no Market share so they CAN'T SHOW ANYTHING BIG. that's how it works. All the big, popular games are aligned with PlayStation for marketing.


MS picks up the leftover scraps Sony doesn't want, i.e. Assassins Creed, and madden. Everything else falls under Sony's wing. MS is SHUT THE FUCK OUT of any big interesting game.



Blooper team, an indie horror studio was literally responsible for MS's biggest splash at the Xbox Serious L launch event. :D :rofl: OMG!

Edited by Bodycount VII
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They showed a bunch of cross gen games, just wait till Sony starts showing their first party.

lmao rumble makes the games "best"  Cows 

They share the exact same library of games nowadays. How can that possibly be the best combination

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Yup, Dualsense could really add to Sony's 1st party offerings. Maybe some 3rd parties will utilize it too, making the PS5 versions the best. :obama:

Hope it has a built in gyroscope too, that style of control is under explored. 

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All of Sonys games are going to PC , or Xbox .

The few that may remain are garbage .


So that leaves ps5 to be a weak 9tf pos with no games .


Xbox is the most powerful console :hype:


GamePass Ultimate ( over 10 million subscribers :hype:) play anywhere :hype: smart delivery :hype: and the most diverse first party line up :hype:

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12 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

They share the exact same library of games nowadays. How can that possibly be the best combination :D

Legitimate retardation, that's how it's the best combo. 


PC + Mobile is even a better combo :hest:

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3 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Legitimate retardation, that's how it's the best combo. 


PC + Mobile is even a better combo :hest:

lol dude you're gonna get grey hair over this :sabu:

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