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Mark Cuban’s stimulus plan - 1k to every house hold every 2 weeks for the next 2 months

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1 hour ago, MalaXmaS said:

My coworker has a big ass house, a ranch with horses and like 5 cars and she also "says" she lives paycheck to paycheck.

I don't know if I should believe her or not.

definitely believe it. the amount of people who 'have things' but they're all owned on the promise that you make your monthly payments on your mortgage, credit card, line of credit.


Plus, horses are fucking expensive...

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9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

The problem is statewide action, it needs to be handled at a county level.

Trump never did and that's the real problem.

The Corona Virus problem is something that has been dealt at state level and every state has a different way of doing things.


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27 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

My coworker has a big ass house, a ranch with horses and like 5 cars and she also "says" she lives paycheck to paycheck.

I don't know if I should believe her or not.

Sounds like she is living outside of what she is worth . 

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38 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

Work places just need to enforce common sense policies and get back to it. This level of government dependence and the reaction is ridiculous.

What are the common sense policies and what happens to work places that don't enforce them?

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8 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:

What are the common sense policies and what happens to work places that don't enforce them?

6' distance, temperature testing upon arrival and a symptoms checklist. This is exactly what we're doing.


If they don't comply suspend their business license for 60 days at a time.

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59 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

We need to start opening things up, keep the hot spots as is and in places where there's virtually nothing allow them to start working again. 


This whole thing has been a bit of a shit show, there's no growth where things have opened up and the death projections keep slipping further and further downward by the day.


Work places just need to enforce common sense policies and get back to it. This level of government dependence and the reaction is ridiculous.

You say this while you're on government dependence :mjpls:





The numbers are dropping because of social Distancing.   Things will be opened up, but the best way to do this is in phases, not all of at once. 

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10 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

6' distance, temperature testing upon arrival and a symptoms checklist. This is exactly what we're doing.


If they don't comply suspend their business license for 60 days at a time.

I can get behind that.

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24 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

You say this while you're on government dependence :mjpls:





The numbers are dropping because of social Distancing.   Things will be opened up, but the best way to do this is in phases, not all of at once. 

I've been back to work for 2 1/2 weeks. Checkmate.

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1 hour ago, MalaXmaS said:

In reality is not about the money.

The US spends way more than that on the defense budget every quarter.

is it aliens or why does the greatest country in the world spent money for the homeless on the military?

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34 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

I've been back to work for 2 1/2 weeks. Checkmate.

and what were you doing between being home and going back to work? ......oh yea on government dependence :tom5:

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2 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

The problem is statewide action, it needs to be handled at a county level.

I'm surprised you would say that.


Because the Republican governor of Texas, greg Abbot has been getting into a pissing contest with Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins about who should be making the rules for Dallas County.


Greg Abbott was a "lead-from-behind" bitch back in late March, and he offered no plan.


Clay Jenkins followed California and NY and made the decision to Shelter at Home, and when Dallas County did it, so did the surrounding counties, because if Dallas is shutdown then there's no point for the other nearby surrounding areas to try and remain open.


Greg Abbott said he wouldn't make such an order statewide, because his reasoning was "we can have a ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL plan.the counties should do what they feel is right for themselves."


We now, since Republicans have been pushing the idea of trying to prioritize the economy to save their asses before November elections..........Greg Abbott has done an about-face, and says that only ONE plan will be applied to all counties in Texas, and it will be his plan, and nobody at the county level can give contradicting orders.


Greg Abbott is fixing to eat a bag of shit.........and Clay Jenkins is going to come in here and declare another Shelter at Home if it gets really bad, and he will look like a hero.


Probably end up being the thing that will make Jenkins the front-runner towards removing Greg Abbott from the governor's seat.

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