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So the new SSD gameplay gimmick this gen is flying?

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UE5 demo showed just that. Flying through environments and world's.


Horizon 2 will feature flying we know this. Spiderman will probably race through New York on a fighter jet scene of something. God of War spice scenes will probably throw you around all over the world.



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hopefully its more than that or that will be a pretty big disappointment.  I can definitely see sony shoving the same mechanic into every game they make tho 

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Here's the cold hard truth: The reality is that hardware technology like GPUs, CPUs, and RAM just haven't evolved enough to really have a significant impact on the technology utilized by next gen consoles. Thats why so much of a focus is being put on their SSDs, even though they're actually the least important component overall.


Seriously, consoles having a beefier drive with better streaming technology isn't going to suddenly make it so that they're able to stream in billions of polygons as far as the eye can see. Most of that work is still going to be done by a combination of the GPU, CPU, and RAM. You guys are all being fooled by Sony, MS, and all of their partners because theres nothing else they can put a spotlight on that will convince people next gen consoles will be a significant leap over the current ones.

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9 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Here's the cold hard truth: The reality is that hardware technology like GPUs, CPUs, and RAM just haven't evolved enough to really have a significant impact on the technology utilized by next gen consoles. Thats why so much of a focus is being put on their SSDs, even though they're actually the least important component overall.


Seriously, consoles having a beefier drive with better streaming technology isn't going to suddenly make it so that they're able to stream in billions of polygons as far as the eye can see. Most of that work is still going to be done by a combination of the GPU, CPU, and RAM. You guys are all being fooled by Sony, MS, and all of their partners because theres nothing else they can put a spotlight on that will convince people next gen consoles will be a significant leap over the current ones.

That's a stupid way to look at it. PS3 to PS4 gave a 16x RAM upgrade and a decent GPU jump while giving a pathetic jump in CPU.


This gen will give a huge CPU and I/O jump with the SSD. It's okay for different gens to have different strengths and weakness in a jump for each different gen. Each gen covers the biggest bottlenecks of the last while improving already solid stuff like the GPU in a meaningful manner.

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Honestly imagine the arguement in the SNES/Genesis days when people were arguing CDs were a shit jump because of their immense loading times, ignoring that you could have 4 CDs games worth of asset variety. Or how storing endless audio wasn't a big jump.


Then we ended up with stuff like MGS and FF7 that were impossible on N64.

Edited by Team 2019
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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

That's a stupid way to look at it. PS3 to PS4 gave a 16x RAM upgrade and a decent GPU jump while giving a pathetic jump in CPU.


This gen will give a huge CPU and I/O jump with the SSD. It's okay for different gens to have different strengths and weakness in a jump for each different gen. Each gen covers the biggest bottlenecks of the last while improving already solid stuff like the GPU in a meaningful manner.

Dude, at the end of the day a SSD is just a glorified storage device :D Its not going to change the way games are made or rendered, its silly to think that.

  • Confused 1
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2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Dude, at the end of the day a SSD is just a glorified storage device :D Its not going to change the way games are made or rendered, its silly to think that.

  • wrong :trump:
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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

Dude, at the end of the day a SSD is just a glorified storage device :D Its not going to change the way games are made or rendered, its silly to think that.


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Here for Insomniac they designed Spiderman with 20mbps external drives in mind. Took them the introduction mission not to have a loading two months. Said if they did this for each missin they'd still be making this game to today.





Designing those load free transitions in stuff like Uncharted and God of War alone takes months.


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