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If/when the vaccine comes, how will you celebrate?

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What I'm saying is.. It was fucking pointless to go through the measures that were taken. Logically they make little to no sense you just go along with it because you like being told what to do cause


outdoor spaces is good for everyone's mental health. Try it, you might cheer up a bit you depressing slob. 

8 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

I'm not saying it was ALL pointless. Im saying some of the measures went too far and do no good for anyone. Closing parks? Why? We know it's much harder to spread the virus outside.  Inside is where people are getting infected. Sun exposure also kills the virus, so again, why close parks, campgrounds, and beaches? It's not hard to keep your distance outside. But Wal-Mart is ok? 


I guess if you're a hermit and love being inside it was just dandy for you. Being stuck inside is shit for my mental health. The fact I couldnt drive to a provincial Park because the parking lot was closed to prevent spread of a disease that wouldn't be spread in a place like that is fucking retarded 

Bro it all boils down to that you're throwing a bitch fit because you can't go camping for a few months VS this was done to reduce the number of deaths. 


Grow up. 

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11 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

I'm not saying it was ALL pointless. Im saying some of the measures went too far and do no good for anyone. Closing parks? Why? We know it's much harder to spread the virus outside.  Inside is where people are getting infected. Sun exposure also kills the virus, so again, why close parks, campgrounds, and beaches? It's not hard to keep your distance outside. But Wal-Mart is ok? 


I guess if you're a hermit and love being inside it was just dandy for you. Being stuck inside is shit for my mental health. The fact I couldnt drive to a provincial Park because the parking lot was closed to prevent spread of a disease that wouldn't be spread in a place like that is fucking retarded 

If everywhere else was closed but parks were open, guess which spots people would flood to? Crowded outdoor places are still a risk. I actually went on a casual hike at a nearby park recently and felt pretty unsafe because it was packed and there was no way you could navigate those trails while still keeping 6 feet away from other people.

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5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

If everywhere else was closed but parks were open, guess which spots people would flood to? Crowded outdoor places are still a risk. I actually went on a casual hike at a nearby park recently and felt pretty unsafe because it was packed and there was no way you could navigate those trails while still keeping 6 feet away from other people.

Again, it's much harder to spread it outside and you are not 85 years old. Probably best if you do get it and recover from it so you have antibodies. The adverse effect of social distancing is preventing herd immunity which will prolong the pandemic. 

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5 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Again, it's much harder to spread it outside and you are not 85 years old. Probably best if you do get it and recover from it so you have antibodies. The adverse effect of social distancing is preventing herd immunity which will prolong the pandemic. 

Im guessing you haven't looked at Sweden's numbers recently. They tried to go full on Herd Immunity and look how it turned out



Initially, Sweden saw death rates from COVID-19 that were similar to other European nations that had closed down their economies. But now the Scandinavian nation’s daily death toll per 1 million people is 8.71 compared to the United States’ 4.59, according to online publication Our World in Data. Sweden's mortality rate is the highest in Europe.




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24 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Sorry.  https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2020/05/07/82-of-canadas-covid-19-deaths-have-been-in-long-term-care.html


82%.. 97 is the percent of Covid deaths beyond the average life expectancies. 

Now compare those two figures to other countries and tell me what you think that says about how Canada handled the pandemic.

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26 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Im guessing you haven't looked at Sweden's numbers recently. They tried to go full on Herd Immunity and look how it turned out




Did you see who was actually dying in sweden? Somali immigrants, and now the vitamin d thing makes even more sense. Somalis are black as fuck and when you move to a cold dark place like sweden you're going to have d deficiency big time. And vitamin d plays a crucial role in respiratory health.  Get those brothas some vitamin D!

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:

Bro it all boils down to that you're throwing a bitch fit because you can't go camping for a few months VS this was done to reduce the number of deaths. 


Grow up. 

Cocke is a small self serving ass. 

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14 minutes ago, Liquid said:

Cocke is a small self serving ass. 

outdoor spaces is good for everyone's mental health. Try it, you might cheer up a bit you depressing slob. 

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Just had dinner/lunch small memorial with dad mum (parents) and 2 other  close friends. Felt normal, wore masks (lol). Tried to not face each other when masks come off. At times I slipped my mask off. It was food n energy socially that would last me a couple weeks.  Still getting a little bit of normalcy, but I do miss the entire country and other countries being ready. And I fucking need clubs and bars open at some point.I'm not going to do this for long!

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7 hours ago, Twinblade said:

If everywhere else was closed but parks were open, guess which spots people would flood to? Crowded outdoor places are still a risk. I actually went on a casual hike at a nearby park recently and felt pretty unsafe because it was packed and there was no way you could navigate those trails while still keeping 6 feet away from other people.

first 6 feet, then 12, it's so arbitrary. I try to judge who the fuck i'm around and if they're the type of person to not give a fuck. 90% of those fuckos are yes, so I keep my distance. Sucks when I gotta go somewhere is all. 


and yeah, PACKED areas where herders can't wait to congregate to is the LAST FUCKING PLACE i'd wanna go!!

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16 hours ago, Goukosan said:

You go to the beach to sit there and post on System Wars.....fucking loser :lawl:

It was worth the 1 min log in to see your salty ass cry. I got a nice tan :glad:

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