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For fuck sakes Sony

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Tomorrow Cruicial finally about to release the 2TB version of it's affordable moderate fast P1 M.2 NVME


What blew me away is the price tag. 





$299 :wow:   

I only paid $100 for the 1TB, how is 2TB going to be triple the price.



and Lemmings think their XSX is going to be cheap.  

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Sony probably had deals with other third party publishers to show off their games, so im sure those companies aren't happy.


I think theres a chance we'll see some of them come out and announce that stuff on their own.

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1 hour ago, DynamiteCop said:

Said this on Gaf.


Sony is absolutely screwing themselves at every turn. I said multiple times that leadership dictates the direction and image of a console and under Jim Ryan they are a disaster at this point.

It couldn't be any more clear that the 2013 leadership which ushered in and carried the PlayStation 4 to success are longgggg gone.

This is a joke.

They making fun of you at gaf, as well?


The PS5 is perfectly fine.


Its hilariously stupid how you think Jim Ryan has any effect on the PS5. Cerny finalized what the hardware was going to be way before Jim Ryan ever took control.


The hardware is finalized, its being produced.


I'm not concerned that Sony is delaying this announcement. Its a video that they're probably already recording this week, they will just wait until the end of this news cycle and just drop the video. I bet they're also using it as an opportunity to fuck with Microsoft and see if MS will go ahead and reveal more about their console and games.

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Was always going to happen. Other events being pushed back too. Other than the bad optics, why would you want your gigantic news and reveal to be drowned in far more important news happening around the world. 

Literally gonna wait a week or 2, chill. MS' event isn't till July. 

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6 hours ago, madmaltese said:

Was always going to happen. Other events being pushed back too. Other than the bad optics, why would you want your gigantic news and reveal to be drowned in far more important news happening around the world. 

Literally gonna wait a week or 2, chill. MS' event isn't till July. 

There's always more important things going on in the world than games.


Plain and simple they are virtue signaling imo.  This shit was already going on when they announced the fucking date in the first place...


They are certainly taking advantage, and people are eating it up.  So proud Sony :love: 


w/e though

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25 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

There's always more important things going on in the world than games.


Plain and simple they are virtue signaling imo.  This shit was already going on when they announced the fucking date in the first place...


They are certainly taking advantage, and people are eating it up.  So proud Sony :love: 


w/e though

It's funny cause I think it's the complete opposite. Everyone praising them and I'm like 'dumbasses, all they care is that their biggest news in the last 5 years isn't drowned by this'. It's George Floyd's memorial service day that day, the entire world and news cycle is going to be talking about nothing but that. There are demonstrations and protests and vigils planned World Wide, not just USA. No business is going to even want to waste money on an ad that day let alone their biggest news event of a generation. Come on man, when they announced the date it hand't escalated anywhere near the level it is now and no one could've predicted it would have. Shit looks post apocalyptic right now.  


and there isn't always more important things going on at all. On a regular day, Sony revealing the PS5 for the first time would be massive news on every news site, not just tech. I remember this shit being in the nightly news when PS2 and PS3 got revealed. It's a massive marketing moment that you spend months and millions planning for and as last gen proved, could nearly win or lose you a generation. I know that the TLOU2 leaks have somehow turned you into a gigantic hater of everything Sony (legit can not wait to see what in TLOU2 has done this) but this was a certainty. 

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4 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

It's funny cause I think it's the complete opposite. Everyone praising them and I'm like 'dumbasses, all they care is that their biggest news in the last 5 years isn't drowned by this'. It's George Floyd's memorial service day that day, the entire world and news cycle is going to be talking about nothing but that. There are demonstrations and protests and vigils planned World Wide, not just USA. No business is going to even want to waste money on an ad that day let alone their biggest news event of a generation. Come on man, when they announced the date it hand't escalated anywhere near the level it is now and no one could've predicted it would have. Shit looks post apocalyptic right now.  


and there isn't always more important things going on at all. On a regular day, Sony revealing the PS5 for the first time would be massive news on every news site, not just tech. I remember this shit being in the nightly news when PS2 and PS3 got revealed. It's a massive marketing moment that you spend months and millions planning for and as last gen proved, could nearly win or lose you a generation. I know that the TLOU2 leaks have somehow turned you into a gigantic hater of everything Sony (legit can not wait to see what in TLOU2 has done this) but this was a certainty. 

No shit.....  They're virtue signaling... and we know the only reason why they aren't going through with it is because they don't want their news drowned out......  but what Sony is literally saying is... "we don't want to announce now and celebrate and take away from the news that's happening in the world right now"  That's the opposite.


Are they going to delay the PS5 in November because the elections could turn into a complete clusterfuck and there being more protesting and rioting if Donald Trump is reelected? 


Dude, there's ALWAYS more important things happening in the world than games.  Children are dying every day, people are killed every day.. injustice everywhere.  When the Hong Kong protests were going on did Sony stop and consider anything?  Nope.


It's all bullshit.  But like I said... whatever, it's just game news.


And :snoop: I'm getting sick of this "you're a hater of everything Sony" shit.  Yes... latch onto the fact that I'm not happy with what I've seen of TLOU2 and generalize it... It's just as pathetic as like what Gouko and Jehurey try so hard to do to say I'm a lemming because I defend Xbox sometimes.  "Gigantic hater of everything Sony"... is disappointed because Sony cancelled their event.. :woo: 

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1 hour ago, Remij_ said:

No shit.....  They're virtue signaling... and we know the only reason why they aren't going through with it is because they don't want their news drowned out......  but what Sony is literally saying is... "we don't want to announce now and celebrate and take away from the news that's happening in the world right now"  That's the opposite.


Are they going to delay the PS5 in November because the elections could turn into a complete clusterfuck and there being more protesting and rioting if Donald Trump is reelected? 


Dude, there's ALWAYS more important things happening in the world than games.  Children are dying every day, people are killed every day.. injustice everywhere.  When the Hong Kong protests were going on did Sony stop and consider anything?  Nope.


It's all bullshit.  But like I said... whatever, it's just game news.


And :snoop: I'm getting sick of this "you're a hater of everything Sony" shit.  Yes... latch onto the fact that I'm not happy with what I've seen of TLOU2 and generalize it... It's just as pathetic as like what Gouko and Jehurey try so hard to do to say I'm a lemming because I defend Xbox sometimes.  "Gigantic hater of everything Sony"... is disappointed because Sony cancelled their event.. :woo: 

The point is you'd have to be an absolute moron in the marketing sense to still go ahead with your PS5 reveal on that day. It's suicidal. So no shit they were going to postpone it. It's the right move in every conceivable way. 

Everyone crying about it now ain't gonna give a shit when it happens. You lose nothing by delaying it and possibly lose a lot by going ahead with it. Everyone is disappointed by this, you think I'm happy. This getting delayed because of fucktard American shit when I'm on the other side of the planet, but it is what it is right now. You can be disappointed and completely understanding of the situation and in agreement with the decision. 


Stop acting like what is going on right now is in any way normal. Even for 2020, this shit is next level. 

and yeah, if there is literal riots of this scale they very well might postpone the launch a week or 2 till shit calms down. Imagine a midnight launch of a new console happening right now :biggrin: Would be a fucking free giveaway across the whole country. 

Don't know what you're getting sick of considering it's the first time I've mentioned it to you.

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I mean just look at SpaceX and NASA's successful launch and docking at the ISS... All shit on due to this recent event. An extraordinary feat and it's a blip on the map. :shake:

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Wtf? :D how are they even related? Shit showing off PS5 right bow would be good, it will be the must-have looted item come the end of the year.

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2 hours ago, madmaltese said:

The point is you'd have to be an absolute moron in the marketing sense to still go ahead with your PS5 reveal on that day. It's suicidal. So no shit they were going to postpone it. It's the right move in every conceivable way. 

Everyone crying about it now ain't gonna give a shit when it happens. You lose nothing by delaying it and possibly lose a lot by going ahead with it. Everyone is disappointed by this, you think I'm happy. This getting delayed because of fucktard American shit when I'm on the other side of the planet, but it is what it is right now. You can be disappointed and completely understanding of the situation and in agreement with the decision. 


Stop acting like what is going on right now is in any way normal. Even for 2020, this shit is next level. 

and yeah, if there is literal riots of this scale they very well might postpone the launch a week or 2 till shit calms down. Imagine a midnight launch of a new console happening right now :biggrin: Would be a fucking free giveaway across the whole country. 

Don't know what you're getting sick of considering it's the first time I've mentioned it to you.

Suicidal :tom: 


Yes... of course they were going to postpone it.... they announced the damn thing when this bullshit started....  The PURPOSEFULLY announced it so they could seem like a great guy for postponing it.  Which is what my point is and why I'm disappointed.


Who's acting like it's normal?  Again,  Hong Kong protests happened... which were far and above the "normal", and SONY DID FUCK ALL.  Again, just proof that they are worried about themselves and virtue signalling so they look good.  They are taking advantage of this tragedy in every single way.


And it's not just you... it's other people here too who are trying hard to push the "you're just a hater cause you're mad about X" bullshit...  Miss me with that shit bro.  Got Derphurey actually thinking that I haven't played a single PS4 game this gen, or since 2014 :drake: 


It's just dumb shit :shake: 

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2 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

They dont care about Floyd they dont want their reveal to be overshadowed.

yep, that's the only reason.

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29 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

I can't believe some felone crack addict started all this insanity. Fucker just happened to be black, he was a piece of shit regardless of color.  :shake: 

Hypocrite, I bet you tweeked it up over there in Russia, but because it was a poor Black man who many who personally knew him accounted him as a gentle soul you dare demonize because you feel he's affected your precious SONY.  

Well I got news for you.  SONY SUCKS. XBOX SUCKS, SWITCH and it's damn Animal Crossing fans SUCK.






Some of you in this thread are being over the top with your hate. 

Crying that you are upset that the public outrage over a Black man's death has overshadowed some meaninglessness events.   

Boo hoo!  

SPACE-X / NASA is an even bigger waste of money, funded by a bunch overzealous rich elites with way too much money than brains to know what to do with wealth.  So Instead of feeding the poor and hungry, they pour it all away on useless space technologies that will benefit you not 1 iota. 

Edited by The Mother Fucker
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