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I’m not too familiar with the battery industry but this shit needs some large scale next gen type shit. Batteries hold everything portable (smartphone, gaming, wireless headphones, laptops, anything really) back and (if programmed correctly) restricts software. The next gen of batteries will blow shit open, but they just degrade at such a high rate in today’s world. It’s not even so much about the length of a charge but rather the fact they’ll inevitably go to shit. Every launch switch will be required to be docked in 5 years or so 

interesting article on potential future tech:



Edited by ghostz
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3 hours ago, roflpwnedz said:


Nice, now I can choose between powering my battery or quenching my thirst. :aitch: 

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14 hours ago, ghostz said:

I’m not too familiar with the battery industry but this shit needs some large scale next gen type shit. Batteries hold everything portable (smartphone, gaming, wireless headphones, laptops, anything really) back and (if programmed correctly) restricts software. The next gen of batteries will blow shit open, but they just degrade at such a high rate in today’s world. It’s not even so much about the length of a charge but rather the fact they’ll inevitably go to shit. Every launch switch will be required to be docked in 5 years or so 

interesting article on potential future tech:



We have that tech, it's just not for civilian use.

Shittier batteries, more turnover.

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My Mid 2012 Macbook Pro I bought in 2013 still holds it's charge like it did when I bought it. 

My Galaxy S7 Edge I picked up in 2017 still holds it's charge, despite myself not doing a good job of filtering out apps I install that could be detrimental to the life of my phone's battery. 

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8 hours ago, JONBpc said:

Yeah i assumed by now we would be able to get a few days at least out of a phone.

Honestly they  can totally make a smart phone with a 48 hour battery at this point. If they stop making them fucking bigger and thinner with more powerful chipsets. I would totally take a thicker phone with shorter screen for improved battery life. 

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