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Cops (the show) canceled after 32 year run

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57 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

What revolution? You're going to get forcefully snuffed out. 

Eventually your side loses. You're the type to be against freeing slaves, giving women the right to vote, civil rights, gay rights. It may be slow but the white male supremacy that you need to make yourself feel good weakens every generation. 

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3 minutes ago, Liquid said:

Eventually your side loses. You're the type to be against freeing slaves, giving women the right to vote, civil rights, gay rights. It may be slow but the white male supremacy that you need to make yourself feel good weakens every generation. 

How is this any different than nationalists blaming jews? :mj:

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3 minutes ago, Liquid said:

Eventually your side loses. You're the type to be against freeing slaves, giving women the right to vote, civil rights, gay rights. It may be slow but the white male supremacy that you need to make yourself feel good weakens every generation. 

You're the ones responsibles for slavery and we're the ones who abolished it by killing you. You're the ones responsible for the welfare state and its perpetuity which continually keeps the black community in the rut and dependant on government while we're trying to dismantle it. You're the ones in support of affirmative action which bases opportunity on the color of ones skin rather than qualifications and equality of opportunity. 


You are the party of race and as a result racism, it's the lions share of all you people talk about. We've moved on, we're about equality and the betterment of everyone within our republic while you constantly try to create division.


This is you and you don't even realize it. 



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lmao i love how every racist says: BU WE FREED DUH SLAVES :lemming:

Forgetting that while it was indeed Republicans that freed the slaves from the Democrats, that the 2 parties essentially flipped ideologies shortly thereafter meaning that the modern republican is "descended" from the Democrats that wanted the slaves. 

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37 minutes ago, Newmanspwn said:

lmao i love how every racist says: BU WE FREED DUH SLAVES :lemming:

Forgetting that while it was indeed Republicans that freed the slaves from the Democrats, that the 2 parties essentially flipped ideologies shortly thereafter meaning that the modern republican is "descended" from the Democrats that wanted the slaves. 

This is a lie that Democrat's constantly try to spread so they can continue their racist agendas under a veil of finger pointing to steer attention away from themselves. 

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1 hour ago, Newmanspwn said:

lmao i love how every racist says: BU WE FREED DUH SLAVES :lemming:

Forgetting that while it was indeed Republicans that freed the slaves from the Democrats, that the 2 parties essentially flipped ideologies shortly thereafter meaning that the modern republican is "descended" from the Democrats that wanted the slaves. 

Republicans: Lincoln was a Republican. We freed the slaves by defeating the Confederacy. 


Also Republicans: We must preserve and respect the Confederacy and it's great legacy. 

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13 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen. This is the future you want you idiot liberals, anything that isn't even remotely PC gets removed. 


You're all going to get smoked, a civil war is in the making because of the ridiculous actions you constantly take and the irony being you're the ones opposite the police force and the military. 



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11 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

Live PD absolutely killed this show, there's nothing more to it. Live PD destroys it quality.


either way I always found this shit kind of exploitative, seeing people at their worst moments, sometimes when they have real substance abuse problems, and then pointing and laughing at it? I take zero pleasure in something like that, it's in poor taste any way you look at it.


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